Giraffe Discussion Thread

I would recommend to you and all schwinn giraffe riders to use a #8 aircraft bolt(s) for this connection. Regular bolts WILL shear off all-together making for a very uncomfortable UPD.
(Happened to me twice before I learned to upgrade the bolts)
It’s good to check those bolts frequently.


I want to know weather it is really worth spending the extra like $100 plus on a dual cahin giraffe than a single chain because i found a decent single chain for 120 but if it is a huge difference il save up for the extra chain. anyone no?

As for tricks:

Now if only someone can teach me more tricks to do! I’m so afraid of trying to do a seat pullout on the giraffe :\

I take my 5’er up and down Lake Shore Drive during the summer along the bike path and then kick it with the jugglers. I end up doing about a total of 4 miles there and back each time!

I was wondering about unicycling on a treadmill, now I know! :smiley:

I know giraffe riders have done this, but I’m thinking about swapping out the stock cog that was installed on my wheel with something with far fewer teeth. I have a fixed gear mountain bike that I used to ride and so I have an assortment of cogs available. My question is about how far down is it safe to gear my 5’ giraffe with 20" wheel? I believe the crankset/cog has 32 teeth, do you think I can go 2:1? I’ll try it anyways but just was interested if somebody has already tried gearing down that far (or more).

I tried gearing my short giraffe (about 4’) with a 20" wheel and 2:1 ratio. I think the cranks were 125mm. I was fairly young at the time and my legs were not very well developed so I had to get a push start to get going and once I started heading down the hill I could not stop without jumping off or sliding my hands along a wall to slow down. Hardly safe but now that my legs are stronger and can handle a 36’er ok I think it would be alright.

2:1 is a lot. I’d start with something like 1.5:1 if you have a cog in that range, then work up from there. I used to ride my Schwinn Giraffe with something like 48:28 (whatever that is). Very difficult to freemount or ride slow, but you could cruise along pretty fast once you got going (and long as you really paid attention)!

That’s 12:7
or about 1.7:1
fast for a uni for sure!

2:1 or 40" equivalent is rideable.

I’m hoping someone can help me.

I bought a Nimbus Performer (the 5ft to 7ft) one at the start of the summer. After one or two goes the pedal feel out of its socket (luckily I wasn’t on it). Problem was a faulty crank. Anyway I got this replace for free and after a bit of fiddling with the fine adjustment settings finally got the 2 chains at the same tension. Riding was fine for the next while.

I took it out again today as it hadn’t seen light in a while. I built it up and climbed on. When cycling there is a loud clicking noise. It’s not the chains being to tight but I can’t see what it is. I was thinking the wheel bearings but would this be possible? Anyone any other ideas?


C. Long

ah,pedal or crankbearing ?

Any tips on mounting? I just got a Nimbus 5ft for Christmas.

Rolling giraffe mount tutorial

Try this link …


That seems pretty advanced. Are there any guides on the simple static mount?

Why won’t this work?

I’ve been wanting to make a giraffe out of this Bmx. I’m wondering if with some welding I could just attach the seat post, preferably adjustably, to the frame. Is this too simplistic or will it work? I’ve heard about de-freewheeling the hub, so I know about that.:slight_smile:

Which set up would work if I were to do this?

Cheers all!

Giraffe.bmp (1.26 MB)


Anyone know if this unicycle is OK? I can’t tell if it’s good or if it’s a piece of junk.|66:2|65:12|39:1|240:1318|301:1|293:1|294:50
I have a chance to buy a used giraffe since I got some cash from relatives for Christmas. Right now it’s either that or a Torker TX, or I wait until a Schwinn pops up on eBay.

Looks like a pretty decent deal, especially if it’s brand new. Also looks like a 6’ frame. That is, if you’re tall and raise the seat up, it’s probably closer to 6’ than 5’. 5’ if you’re really short. :slight_smile:


Ok cool I’ll think about it between that and a tx. Thanks for the reply :slight_smile: Oh and btw I am really short :stuck_out_tongue: