Friday the 13th


Nope it’s tomorrow.

Today for me :slight_smile:

Well, let us know if anything bad happens, so we can prepare for it.

good idea


Well, if something really bad happens, he might not be in the condition to tell us about it.

I’m worried now.

Uh oh, Sera is coming over tomorrow night to watch a movie and all that jazz. I think we may be in trouble…

all that jazz?

Yeah, jazz. :slight_smile:

No wai!

unlucky day?

i would have to say my friday 13th has started off quite well. talking to my best friend on MSN and she is moving back from New Zeland in early June :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: , very happy. we might even be working together again in July/August

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

:slight_smile: can you tell I am happy?

Well, I spilt a scalding hot cup of tea down myself this morning! Im really clumsy anyway though, so its nothing out of the ordinary!

Rock on!

dam I can’t have tea now :frowning:

I just had some tea and some bread with butter and jam. I’m fine.

You guys are sissies.

Today I got my Monty Eagle Claw, very nice. Although it’s not as easy to ride rails on for some reason, probably just because there’s a lot of tread that needs to be worn down…my reasoning works for me.

ok I’ll go and have some tea :o

Break a leg.

It has been an exceptionally lucky day so far.


  • My keys where in the car, which my wife was using, so I had to leave both the house and my bike unlocked. Luckily nothing was stolen.
  • When my train broke down I was able to get to another one and get to work almost on time.
  • My mom was knocked down by a truck while biking. Luckily she was wearing a helmet, and she got out of it with only superficial bruises and cuts and perhaps a damaged knee. We don't know for sure yet.
  • While my sister told me about that, I forgot I was cooking dinner. Luckily it was just some leftovers which wheren't particularly good to begin with. [/LIST] All very lucky, so there's no reason to start getting superstitious.
  • Now it’s Saturday in Australia, and Friday morning here in Pacific Daylight time. We got a call early this morning by a friend of ours whose dad is in the hospital with Black Lung complications. She was trying to arrange a DNR order for the hospital (they had one but it’s in Washington state for some reason). Not lucky. But if he survives the day, lucky. Otherwise, my Friday the 13th is just getting started…