Is this whole Flying spaghetti monster religion just a big joke or do poeple really believe in it? For those who believe in it could you please explain?
It’s making fun of intellegent design (I think that’s what it’s called). People kinda believe in it as a joke. They are called Pastafarians. It was created when the Kansas state educational board required the teaching of intellegent design and The Game as an alternative to evolution. Ugh.
Forget it. It’s all in the pasta.
Religion is strange. The Italians torture and murder an Israeli and two thousand years later I get a day off work to commemorate it. How strange is that?
And I get a two week vacation. I’m not saying that torturing sentient beings is good, but there are certain benefits that you just can’t deny.
I don’t think anyone actually believes it to be literally true. People do however strongly believe in the ideas that arise from the idea of the pastafarianism, e.g. that just because you can’t disprove something doesn’t make it true.
I used to have doubts, but then I was touched by his noodly apendage. The FSM is great. rAmen.
If you are still asking silly questions like that, you clearly have not yet been touched by His noodly appendage.
If you have to ask…
I have seen several places out in the woods with parmesan on the ground. It doesn’t really prove anything.
Others claim to have found sauce, but I never have. It really could just be blood left over from some satanic or voodoo christian ritual. I live in south Florida
where it is not uncommon to find a headless chicken at a bus stop. So many of the proofs we talk of could have rational explanations in Santeria rituals.
The basic idea is that the Flying Spaghetti Monster is worthy of the same deference, in the eyes of U.S. law, as any other religion and must be treated equally seriously. If the non-science of ID belongs in a science class, so does any other form of non-science. And so does math belong in a philosophy class.
I just lost the game.