Flat vid 6/07

Sweet, thanks:)

good stuff!

Finally got to watch it:)
All i shall say is one very big WOW;)
Excellent stuff.

wow thats very clean great work:)

I loved eveything about this vid!

The music, the editing, the riding. It was all mixed together brilliantly.

Oh yeah the music fit great. What song was that…?

Forest Crunk by Aesop Rock


favourite bit was where u ride straight into a stall standing on the wheel one footed whilst doing like a 180 turn. looks so stylish.

i have a similar trick.

Spencer, that was sweet, good job!

Good work there. The editing/music was top notch. I like how every trick had a different background.

Thanks, that was important to me. Since I didn’t have someone to film me I didn’t want all the shots to be boring so I made sure I didnt film any in front of my house and I tried to go to a lot of places to film. It was a pain because I found myself riding my trials uni miles to go places that looked different when all I need is concrete and maybe a curb to ride on. Oh well, it was fun.

ha ha that was like an indirect critism of my vid

but i agree its great to odo that when you dont have creative camera work, backgrounds always important,i just live in rural devon so struggle to get to anywhere thats not grass apart from the front of my house lol,

great vid definetly crank roll to 360 uni spin was orsommmmm lol

Congratulation ! that is really pleasant to look at your vid,
nice riding, filming and editing (and music !)


Awesome video!

The camera angles and editing were terrific. I can tell you put a lot of time into that. Good Job.

Ya, sweet tricks and editing. I like.

Doesn’t the grip tape get in the way if you are doing any grinds?

Yeah, I pretty much never grind though. When I do I try to slide on my pedal but it usually doesn’t work every time then the griptape gets all torn up and then falls off. It doesn’t stop the grind, just makes me have to put some more on later.

I just have griptape on the top and end of my cranks, not the bottom. But I don’t grind on my cranks anyway if I can help it… I imagine it would grab the object you’re grinding on, but it would probably help for crank/pedal grabs?

Yeah I used to have mine just on the top too then when I started the crankroll stuff I put it on the bottom too because I stand on both sides.

Great vid Spencer!
You’re one of the few who still put high quality videos on the net.
I really like watching high quality videos. Now that sufficient technology
has been ubiquitous for some time as well as the broadband access,
we should have more this quality vids not less. Unfortunately those youtube
and googlevideo things dramatically kill the quality of most of the stuff posted here :frowning:

That said: cheers to you and to unicycle.tv which allows to host HQ videos! :slight_smile:


Hallo Spencer,

thanks for your vid! It’s great! I liked all the crankroll-variations.
The one with the 1ft-unispin at the end looked absolutely sick!

btw: I love all your vids in all ways! (tricks, style, editing, quality…)

Especially this one gave me the last motivation for learning crankroll-wraps.(not sure with the name)
I loved them since I saw Dan’s part in “defect” in late 2005.
I tried sometimes for more than 4 month without a breath of a chance.
Tuesday i tried them hard and consequent for more than 2hours like a dumb looking psychotic idiot :roll_eyes: and finally I got one.
Just wanted to say: Thank you! :slight_smile:


p.s.: Sorry for my english, if there are any mistakes.