[flat] This is Flatland (Jon and Spencer)

woah had no idea that the music from my section was about that.

sorry about that.

im just an innocent amercian boy haha

No problem :slight_smile:
As far as I understood it the actual music was just normal hip-hop (with lots of german swear words and synonyms for sexual activity :wink: ).
Just though that I should warn you about the controversial background of Aggro Berlin, which goes a little beyond the “normal” controversy associated with rap music.
But it’s funny that you picked up Shaun’s “tradition” of using german hip-hop music. :slight_smile: There are lots of other artists to choose from (and most are much better than the Aggro Berlin stuff).

To get back on topic: Thanks again for this fantastic video!

Your mom is flatlanding.

what? :thinking:

He’s jealous. No one likes flips anymore. :stuck_out_tongue:
Extreme sarcasm.

[color=“#f0f0f0”]That is cool.[/COLOUR]

That is cool.

Finaly could watch the WMP movie, and I find it cool.
Men Spencer, you have some realy sick moves and combo’s in there.
Insane how smooth those riding crankrolls are.
You are the flatmaster :wink:

And Jon has some crazy trick in there to.
Never knew he was so good.

Peter M

I always enjoy your videos and look forward to see how consistent you can to them at Wunschkonzert :):

Yeah, me to.
Also want to try your ride Spencer :wink:

Peter M

Freaking sweet duudeees :)Loved it <3


I clicked download and this came up:

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Wicked, thanks for sharing!

It’s the file. Try using the right-click download this file kinda thing.

WOW it’s soo cool … :astonished:

Those might be the lyrics to The music in John’s part :stuck_out_tongue:

Again guys, amazing stuff. Very impressive riding.