[flat] Pink is new black

here’s my new flatland vid
i put a lot lot lot of effort in this vid so please comment it on vimeo or on this thread


– bobousse

beautiful uni, pink is the best :wink:
very nice video!! awesome

Dude, Bobousse, I love your style. That was some insane, techy, smooth, stylish flat.

Great vid. Music was awesome, well edited. This one will get many plays from me.:wink:

I was about to go out to practice some flat for a bit, but was procrastinating and found this vid… Glad I did, now I got the inspiration I need.


very nice video!!!

really cool video :wink:
why is elliot using a white tire on his alian backflip?

really cool video :wink:
why is elliot using a white tire on his alian backflip?

Wow… very nice ridin’… :sunglasses: and the football skills from mat-mat was very impressive too… :wink:

oh… and program do you use for editing your videos??

Nice riding, nice editing, nice uni.

Awesome video, I’ll be watching this one a couple times for sure:p

everything was perfect… :slight_smile:

yes i also asked me the same question…

very nice video, great combos as usual

Tight video, really enjoyed it.

why not? :roll_eyes:

that was awesome

loved the video! it was great…

super awesome. was that part with the soccer ball real?

That was really good. I liked many of the on-tire transitions (not the wheelhops, the other stuff).

Except the flashing in the beginning was a bit annoying. The music was ok.

Reverse side ftw! (I do Sib ones though)
Really liked the video; some nice combos in it.

Elliot’s combo was really cool too.

Thats a cool vid but pink is for GIRLS! It has to be cause I’m making my uni pink so the kids know I"m a girl on it. :o

Great video!

Catchy song, editing is really good and synced with music.

Once or twice the pink text was hard to read… not enough contrast. A drop shadow would help.
Colourful backgrounds - nice cherry blossoms and graffiti.

At the intro I thought you were accidentally landing on the wheel. But then I see you’re doing that on purpose! Sweet.

Nice bit with Mat Mat and the soccer ball.

That was beautiful! Perfect! The pink tire was cool too:D