First frontflip on a unicycle!

My bet is that the first backflip will be a fakie backflip.

probably… but thats even cooler!

When I said “like that” I was referring to anything like the backflip in the video, not just a 5 set. And you also should not start out doing it ON your uni for the first time. Like I said in my post, it should be mastered without the uni first, and onto a padded landing area as there WILL be failed attempts when you’re learning. You must work up to it and take it in small steps, just like anything else. I didn’t just start out doing 7 foot drops lol. I started with a curb.:stuck_out_tongue:

Well yeah… of course.

I wanna learn frontflips off a uni now so that I could do them on one!

Our sport is progressing so freaking fast, its amazing. Its gotten to the point where I know I wouldn’t even want to try some of these tricks. The frontflip being the first for me to really think that.

I think first you’d at least have to have some experience with frontflips/backflips on your feet before you even tried it on a unicycle.

Hes part of the koxx one team, of course he can land amazing things people awe at :stuck_out_tongue:

yeah the team are amazing. Shame the unicycles they ride are basically all the same but different colours lol!

So true for some reason, why? They must just be shallow;) i personly like my poop brown and blue and dirty black uni:D

Adrien I love you so much. Dude, I love you. Your F****** amazing. GOOD F****** GOD!!!

I’m gonna try! :smiley:

hey unicycledude, did you ever get that 9 spin? (ive been away for a while)

Nah… I havn’t been practicing 9spins.

You should. It will bring great great respect to our forum.

Lol, be the first non french to do something cool for a while.

I might practicing the odd 900. Knowing theres guys like adrein out there doing front flips is a little distraction though.

I mean 3m, lol. 24 pallets is around 3.3m right? That’s still massive. Where did I get 8m from? lolol


where’s the footy of him landing it?
if he gets that close he should be able to land it.
as far as i’m concerned, the first frontflip is still in the air… he needs to land it.

Absolutely insane. I haven’t had this kind of tingles in me since watching joes videos. This a a great step in towards unicycle becoming “extreme”. Anything with flips impresses spectators, for a reason. WOW, good job Adrien! Holy freaking hell.

shotgun being first to backflip.

That explains a lot. With a foam pit all the tricks become open for experience before actually being done. The trick is still tight but it’s still not beyond anything amazing simply because the right steps were taken. Makes me wonder if they had that foam pit for the 900 too. All the sudden things are looking less impressive. I’m sad…

-Shaun Johanneson

The right steps HAD to be taken for this trick. Just deciding you are going to try a frontflip on the spot is stupid and dangerous. Its impressive no matter what.