Filming + Party. Niagara Falls, June 10-11

K, Vince, j’viesn jsute de demander a mes parents. Chui in pour y aller… faudriat voir Guillaume y’en pense koi… pi y’a aussi p-e Julien.

In any event though Brian, my dad says I can grab a bus to get there…

sweet even more people

You know that I love you

If I don’t get in to Circus Smirkus I’ll try as hard as I can to get there :sunglasses:


no need. as long as the garcons from quebec are coming this will be as cool as it needs to be!

good…coolness rocks…

Yea because guys from quebec are the coolest

Ok now i know i am coming for sure!:slight_smile: I’m so exsited:D

Hurray !

this is gonna be sweet…ive never been to a meet type thing before…come to think of it ive never seen another unicyclist in my area either…oh well this is still going to rock

ok, let’s have some names then. (who are sure they are going) (I need to book it soon) PS, I have organized the 'pre-ride I was talking about already, so no need to reply to that one)

  1. Brian Mackenzie
  1. Brian Mackenzie
  2. Phillip Murray (wouldnt miss it for the world)
  1. Brian Mackenzie
  2. Phillip Murray (wouldnt miss it for the world)
  3. REED JORGENSEN!!!:smiley:

hey Reed, where in ontario do you live anyways? and which uni(s) are you gonna bring?

lets see :roll_eyes: , I live in huntsville, thats about 2 1/2-3 hours north of Toronto. and Im gonna bring my 24" onza for sure, and hopefully I can aford a bedford trials uni by then crosses fingers

oh well ill have my new hub and cranks by then so i can try your uni and you can try mine lol. ive never ridden a muni before.

oh you’ll love muni, I’ve never seen someone try my MUni and not love it.

Then again, I’ve never seen someone try my MUni:D

im gonna have to try to keep up with you guys on my trials…hopefully i wont be the only one without a muni.

i’ll bring you a muni