Evolution of Balance Award

I think i understand everything… Just one question, I’m 15, and no one i know that can ride a unicycle is 18+, does the applicant have to be able to ride a unicycle? or am i sol… lol Kay, thats all i was wondering, thanks


Why don’t you just apply anyway. As far as the actual award goes there needs to be a legal signoff for liability reasons, but that’s no barrier to the applying part. Cool trips often just have a way of working out.


thanks! A little late to plan i guess, but i got some cool ideas

do we need 24’’ tires on our unis? or can we ride 20’s just fine?


We’re just about ready to submit our application. Can you do a Word 2007 document, or do you need an earlier version?

How many apps do you have in hand, and how many are you expecting?

Thanks for checking; please save as an older Word file.

So far I have 4 applications from the U.S., Australia, and South Africa.


Just a computer nerd note: If you can create a Word file, you should be able to figure out how to save it as a PDF. This is built into Mac computers and free software you can get for PCs. :slight_smile:

for those who don’t want to download the aforementioned software, media-convert.com can convert word documents to PDFs for free, no software download necessary.

If anyone is having difficulty trying to figure out ways to display trails, I would recomend trying gmaps pedometer.

as long as you have a basic understanding of where the trail goes then you should be able to plot it out and be able to give kris a little bit more info than, umm I wanna go up the mountain then down the mountain…

does the grant goes towards plane flight and utility? or does something else pay for flight, just wondering. Shall i include a proposed budget that the grant would go towards? or is this not needed? should i just report for terrain and routes?

The grant goes towards your expenses, whatever they may be. If you want to include info on your budget, that’s fine but not as important as describing what you want to do.


erg… state law prohibits us from using bicycles, i asked them if a unicycle counts… hopefully we can unicycle… this sets back my whole paper

erg!!! every place i checked prohibits wheeled conveniences from going on hiking trails!! the only place i know that would allow that, is like 50 miles from me, and isnt remote, its just a campground, but oh what muni is there. The place is the most amazingly technical things ever you could spend days upon days there… but thats not really remote… erg!!! its so hard to find a place!


Only about 12 1/2 hours left to submit your award applications!

So far the response has been awesome from riders all over the world. I’ve got 15 applications from riders in Israel, Australia, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Belgium, Canada, USA, South Africa, and the UK; who have proposed trips to Australia, China, Peru, Lesotho, Tanzania, Switzerland, Italy, Norway, Sweden, Panama, USA (Alaska & Colorado), Chile, Peru, Thailand, Hong Kong, and Greenland.

It is going to be a fun but very hard job to go through all these and pick a winner. I hope (with the permission of the applicants), to eventually post some of the trip proposals to share ideas about what kinds of adventures the riders want to go on.

Thanks to all of you who have submitted an application!


I decided to save my proposal for next year (if there will even be a next year for the grant) since my adventure was going to fall in between RTL and Unicon and couldn’t get interest from other riders.

I would love to see the Norway adventure application since I will be out there in mid-late July.

I hope everyone got theirs in on time. I can’t wait to see what people have planned.

Good luck to all!

I may help sponsor it next year. Was going to submit a proposal but the last thing I need is another unicycle!

Awesome. Thanks Ken!

For next year I was thinking about setting up the grant as a trust, where KHU would guarantee a certain minimum award, and also match any contributions up to a certain amount. That way, maybe someday there might be enough money to award more than just one grant.

I haven’t gotten anywhere near sorting out the details on that, but I’d appreciate any comments from anyone who has had experience in administering a trust of any kind.


This is such a nice initiative, I want to thank everyone who’s made this possible.

I didn’t apply this year simply because I don’t think I’m good enough. Yet. If there’ll be something similar next year (seem like there will - awesome) it’s very likely I’ll post a proposal.

I would love to read some of the trips people have planned; good luck, everyone!

You’re not really going to make us wait all month to hear the winner - are you?
