Hello, I know there has been threads on this. But here you can post edited unicycle photos. I am sorry if this thread bothers you. I put it in Just Convo because I though people wouldnt get as mad at me.
Hello, I know there has been threads on this. But here you can post edited unicycle photos. I am sorry if this thread bothers you. I put it in Just Convo because I though people wouldnt get as mad at me.
How is that edited exactly? Sorry I cant tell.
well the first one has a glow…and the second is sharpened. The editing photos can be edited just like. Or whatever.
Is that not enhanced aposed to edited
im sorry I guess I just dont know my terms. From here on it is Enhanced and Edited photos.
What this thread should say is:
I made two photos, that I think are cool and want everyone to look at but not very many people look at the photoshop thread so I’ll start a new one.
But, I like the first pic.
common does it really matter…its just another thread in Just Convo. Just Convo is already full of crap anyway.
If I saw an unflushed toilet with a gigantic log in it, I wouldn’t think, “Oh, well, there’s already some waste matter in there, I might as well add to it.”
Just sayin’.
Talking about waste (and waste of time), have you ever visited http://www.ratemypoo.com/?
I am so not going to click on that link.
OMG Thats sooo disguisting!
Lol, I clicked on it and it had this giant poo
And Isaac, You should make a Deviant art account ( Deviantart.com ) and just tell people to look at it I have an account if u want to check it out, I havent updated it in a long time though ( I went on it too much and became tired of it )
Here is one I have been playing around with for the past couple of days, I want to put something in the background still, but it looks pretty cool just like this I think.
…must be a foreign thing.
The sad thing is, after viewing that website i now feel my poos are inadequate
That would be perfect for an art project I’m working on. Do you mind if I used that as a reference?
I made this the other day, it looks kinda funny but I don’t know what else to do to it.
And there wouldn’t have been anything wrong with it if he had done that.
Nope, not at all:)
Doubt it. I can see it now “We already have a thread for pictures.” “I make pictures all the time, you dont see me making a thread for them.” “This is just a waste of space.”