Edited Photos

what did yo use to make that?

The gimp: www.gimp.org

thats a cool picture

I have no idea what you are talking about.

Shh shh, its going to be ok. Just close your eyes now…

what tool did you use to get the picture of you cutout so cleanly?

I used partly the magic wand tool (select continguous regions or something) and part select by color, and I also used the eraser on parts of it.

Besides, the reason it looks so clean is because the background was mostly the same for all three pictures (blue sky with clouds) so on some parts I didn’t have to cut it out, it fit the background already.

put that in the cool photoshop pictures thread it’s pretty good, but since it’s here I’ll comment on it. Looks good the way it is but if you want to put something in the background make it simple, nothing too big and don’t put a bunch of tiny things in… it will take away from your subject (you and the uni) and distract your veiwer.

“We already have a thread for pictures. I make pictures all the time, you dont see me making a thread for them, holy crap this is just a waste of space.” now people don’t have to complain I already did it… anyway… I don’t mind a new thread for this but it would have fit better if he had just posted his pictures in the Cool Photoshop pictures thread. It’s kinda nice though because if he hadn’t made this thread some people who posted pictures here proabably wouldn’t have posted them…

do you like that qu-ax uni

Ya its great. The new cranks are sweet.

Two pictures I just quickly did for some fun :smiley:
One looks convincing to me… the other, well - my kh looks interestingly deformed :stuck_out_tongue:


DSC02760_deformed kh20 compressed.jpg

Here’s Jamie in mid air.
