ok so after rding off a teachers car on monday on my trials unicycle i learnt it was stupid im now suspended and my dads really angry and the teachers car is dented and muddy…heres the link
Did you really need to be suspended for that in order to figure out that it was a stupid thing to do? What exactly did you think was going to happen?
lol didn’t i corrupt a wish about this earlier?
nice man, it’s a shame you got caught. That’s a story you’ll be telling for years:D
i would love to have seen the expression on the teachers face when they realized what you did!
Really? It’s a shame? What did the teacher do to deserve having his/her property basically vandalized?
Teachers are some of the coolest people ever, and they’re generally motivated because they want to make a difference in the world. They’re rewarded with shitty pay and by having some asshole kid ride a unicycle on his car.
I hope the OP learned a lesson and gives the teacher a heartfelt apology and is personally (not his parents) held financially responsible for the property damage.
Really? A shame? Stay the hell away from my car, if you please. Did either of you guys notice the denting sound as Mr. UNIversal HOPPED on that car? guaranteed bodywork required to return it to the condition it was before that. Cha-CHING!
Yes it’s a story he will be able to tell for years, hopefully about how he learned something that day, something that may be excusable if he had an air bubble in the common-sense part of his brain or something.
And as for the teacher’s expression? Whatever it was, the teacher is probably going to win. And I don’t mean getting suspended; that doesn’t get his car fixed. Sheesh!
yea i think ive learned i kinda feel bad now ill apologise monday
well i hope your parents make you work and pay for all the damages you did! how would you feel if someone bashed up YOUR unicycle? of course you probably didnt pay for it or most of your belongings. many people like teachers work very hard for their belongings. i sure hope your parents teach you the value of objects and others personal property. how old are you??? come on, grow up. learn to be a man. did you learn from this?
thats already been discussed.i dont know whats happening at the moment about it.
lets see, close to $1000 damage probably, you should get paid $7/hr. for hard labor. no unis until you finish. i think you should work this off in full and this would be a fair apology. we all make mistakes, own up to it.
yes i know i got enough money to pay for the damage in my bank so ill get it sorted out i know it was immature and like other things it seemed like a good idea at the time but i learned it was not.
Get a lawyer and sue the school for picking on unicyclists!
Having to pay for the damages AND be deprived of your right to an education violates your 8th Amendment protections against cruel and unusual punishment!
PM me your phone number and I’ll straighten out your dad and teach him badly needed anger management skills. Pfft. Such a minor thing to get angry about. Anger adds nothing of value to the equation.
On the other hand, maybe you could use that YouTube video to start a fundraiser to pay for the dent! Add a DonateToLegalDefenseFund.com to the video.
u got mad skilz, dude!
Billy, can I ride my unicycle on your car? I promise anything that happens will only be minor. Shame on you for being sarcastic with a guy who’s trying to set a ‘dumb places to ride’ record. He may take you seriously!
For Mr. UNIverse, if it’s not too late, if you offer to pay for the damages before it gets suggested to you by the teacher, it may show you’re a bigger man than he thinks.
well at the moment my biggest concern is my dad hes hell angry and threatening to hit me with stuff as usual if his words dont annoy me he threatens me with violence i.e. kicking me out for awhile that doesnt work so he lets me back throwing my stuff around still doesnt work he hitsme it still doesnt work so it just gets him angrier.
This thread is so jacked up I have a tough time believing it’s real.
Stop acting like a jackass kid. Some things may look “epic” and “so full of win” in your mind’s eye. Being an adult means using judgment and realizing it’s really a dumbass idea before you do it.
Act like an adult, and you will be treated like one. I doubt this chicanery was your only stupid act. Or if you have a valid reason for doing something, explain it rationally and respectfully to your parental unit. Mostly, they should understand; sometimes you (despite what you think) can’t see all the angles and you won’t win. If you become a whiny bitch or a escalate to yelling and ad hominem, you will never win.
If you were my kid: I’d probably beat your ass for doing illegal stupid shit, too. That said, you’re 16. You ought not need to be smacked to realize what’s right and wrong. And if this is a pattern, perhaps you need to seek professional help, not whine in an internet forum.
Ive been having a bit of trouble trying to respond to you, Peripatet. You tell him to act like an adult and then you suggest that if he is not an adult he is a kid and deserves to be beaten, as if that makes him less human. What makes it worse is you would beat him despite him been obviously sorry about what he has done.
Also, sometimes trying to ‘explain it rationally and respectfully to your parental unit’ just does not work. I would try to explain things I’d not even done to my stepfather and he steal beat me. Think a bit deeper into a situation before giving your ‘advice’.
Yes he did something stupid, yes, he is sorry for it, and yes, he will now deal with the consequences. Now back off him a little will you? I think this affair should stay between him and those concerned.
on a related note…
I would never pay to have a such a dent taken out of my own car’s hood. If it works it’s not broken, and it’s superficial. The “damage” is relative as is the “value.”
Muwahaha! I love this thread.
suk shit Adam i guess whre not riding this weekend lol?
Agreed entirely. And if you do not have the money to pay for damages, you might start by selling those unicycles in the avatar picture to raise the cash. That might concentrate the mind next time you act in a similar way, and go some way towards getting you back to school.
I wonder whether that is the only car you have vandalized.