Double Leg wrap Comp

i would luv to enter but unfortunatley i learnt the trick a couple of weeks ago:D :frowning:

Just remember to quote the first post in this thread, and copy the code that way. then go to user CP.

Edit: you figured it out… nvm

As for my progress, havn’t given it much time. Its insanely hot here… i’ll give it a go tomorrow.

i guess im in…ill go for third if i feel like street tomorrow

lol, i landed one by accident by filming today, I win 3rd :stuck_out_tongue:

i was searching for the today i brag thread but this will do. landed one this afternoon, only just learnt single ones last week and thought i would give it a go at double :slight_smile:

hello guys,
Me doing 6x :

Sweet! Can anyone else do them?

woooo yeaaaaaa

I was just messing around the other day and landed a double.

I’m in for 5x :smiley: Anyone???

I can make a thread for it :smiley: