Dan Heaton on TV

BTW Dan, how did the relationship with Columbia come about?



Great job, btw dan.

Columbia had gotten their hands on a copy of UNiVERsE 2 and contacted me about filming a unicycling spot. They were interested in profiling pioneers of sports that were a little bit out of the norm and this fit well with what they wanted to do.

There are 3 other spots that will be coming out on some other pretty neat sports/activities too…

Yes, I got some gear out of it. Pretty comfortable and functional stuff. The shoes I wore were super protective and gripped the pedals well.

I can’t figure out how to embed quotes from other people… but sadly there will be no Defect 2… but that is probably just because my next film will be called something else…


:smiley: well that’s all that really matters

Oo. Your leaking stuff slowly, and my tongue is dieing to lick up more!

Might want to re-think your wording there… :roll_eyes:

oops, Idk what I just wrote but that does not sound right at all. :astonished: :o :astonished:

That was hella sick Dan Heaton!!! Good for you bro, your hella taking this sport to the next level!

I was gonna put something that would of made it 10x worse when I saw it, but I restrained myself. haha

The longer video was really good, almost a documentary. I wish more unicycle videos were like that. Thanks Dan.

First up, massive props, the fact that a major label is creating a brand connection with muni and showing it off on TV is something everyone should be very happy to see!

I have uploaded the vids onto youtube:
Long: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3u3aShlRoZQ
Short: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5deSsyllnU

Wonder how long it will be until we see a post here from someone who decided to convert after seeing the commercial? :stuck_out_tongue:

:smiley: Nice to see a vid at last showing what unicycling is really about and not performing. Awesome!:smiley:

I was wondering how long it would be before Columbia had a uni-based promotion… Back when Into The Thunder Dragon was making the rounds with the Banff Film Fest, the local Columbia store had a poster up for the local showing :smiley: In fact, Columbia makes some of my favorite pants for riding - zip-off cargos. Durable and stylish :wink: Good on ya for the ad, and can’t wait for the next vid!

Wow. :astonished:

But did he see any herons?:o

It’s pretty cool that they have unicycling as the background image for their web site. Way to go Dan!

I finally watched the video. Stellar. Amazing. I’m totally psyched that it is becoming more main stream.


Fixed it.

And maybe it’s just me, but I think that doing extreme unicycling for the purpose of a TV commercial or DVD is the definition of performing.

Awesome vid Dan. I saw it while watching the Olympics one Saturday afternoon. It blew my mind. I couldn’t believe I was watching unicycling on TV and it wasn’t from a DVD or my computer.

No kidding. I was smiling during the whole commercial, and after it was done, I was kinda giddy.

I actually cried a little :roll_eyes:

I just saw it! On Comedy Central. It was so cool seing it on tv…

Haha, I just saw it on Comedy Central too. It’s pretty cool, hopefully it’ll attract more people to the sport.