Custom Kris Holm Unicycles

I like it; the new KH hub looks especially nice with it.

the only problem

the only problem with it is the the frame is starting to crack but thanks!!

the neck looks sooo short on that!

Yeah, your neck looks really short. Did you cut it? Really cool uni, I wasn’t sure about green or yellow last year… I went with yellow:)

EDIT: How long are your cranks? they look pretty short too.


where do you get one of those nice round nimbus frames? Please tell me now! and how do you start a post? thanks so much

I dont see any round crown frame here :thinking: But, if you want a round crown Nimbus, they are not available anymore except on :thinking: )

And to start a thread you just have to click on one of the forums, and there’s a button “New Thread” on the top of all the thread.

oh sorry lol

yeah the top of the neck broke because I had and one bolt seat clamp and the post wasn’t in enough so it bent at the top so I cut it then smoothed with a chizle and the cut a short line so the frame cou;d close up when I tightend it! But hey I’m not gonna buy a new one if this one still works!:smiley:

I finaly got my Ti hub on my uni! Now I just have to wait until the snow melts to put my Tensiles, Welgo MG-4 and my 2.7 Monty to go ride Trials with it:D

P.S.: The pictures are good quality too, and the yellow is like the real yellow!:slight_smile:
EDIT: I got Danny’s old frame, he said he sold it because the Ti hub didn’t fit. But it does fit, there’s almost 2mm between the spokes and the frame.

:thinking: :thinking:

I brought it from him 1.5 years ago(?). He sold it because he sais it didn’t fit withthe KH Ti hub…

custom KH…

looks kinda like mine but how did you get the seat to be white?

It’s gray and green. I sewed the cover from scratch.

do you have a pattern that you could share?


Did cut your frame. it looks really low…
Btw nice looking uni… :stuck_out_tongue:


yeah cause the top of the frame broke lol so i cut it with a metal saw but its unfortunately starting to crack at the crown:(

Just ordered a 2010 KH Longneck, how much do you think i will need to cut off of the frame with a 31.5 inch inseam?
