Custom Kris Holm Unicycles

Changed my cranks and pedals:

Wellgo B030
KH Sym without nub - Thanks to Olaf!

I like the nubless sym cranks… if only kris did tubular cranks in 150mm for my muni :smiley:

What are the nubless KH sym cranks like? They look pretty cool. Does de-nubbing them make them weaker? How does someone de-nub them?

Thanks :slight_smile:

Just hack the hell out of them with a grinder.

I will answer it when i actually rode with them… :smiley:
It doesnt make them weaker, you just get rid of the extra part (just be sure you dont grind away the welding)

Here’s my custom KH, it didn’t changed alot since I posted it here. It has a Luna for the winter(even though I dont ride it outside), stripped clamp, black drilled bumper and Tensiles! I went to the LBS to weight it and it was 10lbs, 8oz(with one pedal):smiley:
My hub flanges are so bent:( I hope I wont have to change it soon, because I want a Ti hub, but I want to go to UNICON XVI as well.

The frosting frame looks nice with this yellow rim. Did you repaint the rim? I think this is so cool combination. :sunglasses:

Thank’s:) The frame is just stripped, and yes I did paint the rim, it’s a 09 KH rim, I painted it last year with spray paint. My frame was yellow too, but I broke it, and got the neck re-welded so I stripped it.

Oh, and the yellow looks better in real life:) My camera isn’t really good for colors inside, I need sun…

Heres my kh

is it an Ice cream cone on your uni? That’s cool!!! I love Ice cream:p

yes it is :wink:

It looks more like a pregnant horse sitting on its butt.

My KH just got back from the anodized yesterday. I really like the colour it come out to be. its the color I was expecting


KH seat with 2007/08 fome
K1 blue seat clamp
KH 2010 seat post. (cut just below the KH sig :D)
KH 2010 newly anodized red frame
KH 2009 rim
KH 125 moment cranks (that now dont have paint all over them. Cleaned them up)
Nimbus hub and spokes :smiley:

what have you done to your cranks :stuck_out_tongue:

Is your crank drilled or partially red :astonished:

I’m pretty sure it’s only the KH signature that’s red.

I love your frame though:) That red looks awesome!

yea I love the color.

My cranks where painted yellow and some nail polish over the KH sig. but now I’ve taken all paint off with petrol and a crafting knife and some sand paper…

Does any one know what the spoke gauge is for kh 07 hubs? Will it fit a try-all rim?

It’s 14g or 13g. But the Try-all rim will fit for sure on a KH hub. Alot of riders did it.

my old but new KH

Here is my old but new KH unicycle, I just spray painted it neon green! well i like it here is what it is oh and btw it is a KH rim

Axle: KH moment axle

Saddle: K1 graffe saddle laced on bottom

Frame: KH 20’ frame

Rim: Power coated neon green KRIS HOLM

Cranks: KH moment cranks w/ rollos

Tire: Black try-all sticky tire

Pedals: Oddesey twisted plastic pedals

Seat post: Regular KH seat post 07/08 version

Seat clamp: Black KH seat clamp