Cool Idea!--Uni on the moon

just saw some thing on the telly about the moon
i had the thought that it would be wicked to ride a uni on the moon cos of the low gravity
you could do mad tricks with ages of hang time
anyway just a thought:D

It will work but won’t that defeat the purpose of unicycling and tricks cause of the very low gravity??? :thinking:

Yes it would.

But you could do mega unispins:)

Yeah i guess. you could crater unispins too. :smiley:

i think it would be kinda hard to unicycle on the moon cause its kinda sandy isnt it? but low gravity riding would be cool.

Everything would be fun on the moon. Also juggling. :roll_eyes:

Well wouldn’t it be rather hard to ride a unicycle with a space suit on? :stuck_out_tongue:

Space suits are for squares.

If you change the gravity, you change the “ground rules” for many physical activities, including sports. Gravity-dependent sports like unicycling and juggling would get a lot easier, and you’d have to come up with new definitions of what counts as “hard.” It sure would be fun though!

Yes but you wouldn’t weigh as much. Dusty areas would of course be harder than hard-packed ones but you probably wouldn’t need as wide a tire as you would for the same terrain down here.

I would ride mine indoors, assuming there was enough room. With today’s spacesuit technology, just riding in a straight line outdoors might be pretty challenging.

But if I had access to a large enough indoor (pressurized, heated) space on the Moon, I’d skip the unicycle, make myself a pair of wings and fly around in there. At 1/6 gravity the human body should be more than capable of providing enough power to fly.

You would need to ride with a solid rubber tire. The air in a regular one would explode on the moon, due to lack of oxygen and air. The air in the tire would leak out, and probably result in an explosion.

But yea, that would be pretty cool.

“I hope my legs don’t break…”


Think before you post.

expldoing in the vaccum of space is for cool people!

You could just, you know, pump it less…

Spelling is for someone else.

I think it would be awesome to ride a motorcycle or something :stuck_out_tongue:
Unicycling in low gravity (not the moon) would be pretty cool though.

You couldn’t ride a motorcycle because there isn’t any oxygen in the air. Gasoline needs oxygen to combust. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well take the motor out and ride it like a bike then. :smiley:


just use a “someone else problem field”