convince me to have kids.

u no wut dood ur jis weerd

I think that less people should have kids. It’s completely ridiculous that everyone expects everyone to have children. Not only does it drastically contribute to overpopulation, it also has to do with the fact that not everyone can be a good parent. In fact, I think that most parents are quite terrible at being parents (not neccessarily because they don’t try to be good parents, they just don’t have it in them). I don’t think there’s anything wrong with not having children and I would recommend not having children to most people. I also think that accidental pregnancies should result in abortion (the reason why not adoption is so that they don’t contribute to overpopulation which has become a major issue in the modern world).

Obviously, my advice to you is don’t have kids, especially since you are unsure about it.

Have like 8 and get welfare!

my god that is the worst idea ever…

well you got to remeber that a persons desire to mare is based on instinct telling us to pass on our geans. i personally thin all unicyclist should have kids so we can grow a massive population of people with incredible balance but that is just me… seriouly though… the idea of overpopulation in america is kinda rediculous… we only feel it because everyone tries to live in the same place… Pele you drove to NAUCC … there is plenty of room, people just need to use it. But of course that doesnt mean people should have kids reclously.
As a person that does not have sex i can only give you my advise on the subject. If you arent hooking up with chicks then there is obviously no need for surgery. But since you are contemplating this i would have to assume that you like them ladies. I would say to hold onto it for at least another year…
who knows if you meet that lucky, kid having, lady in a month or so…

of course there is the agressive approuch:
Have kids or we will kill you

but i dont think we need to take it to that level now, do we?

I’m against abortion, but for killing babies. That way everyone else loses and I win.

Let only the autistic children survive. Supposedly, 1 out of 10 will be idiot savants, which is a far higher probability of intelligence than regular human beings.

Oh, and nick,
Chop your balls off!

1- My idea is awesome.

2- I’m pretty sure overpopulation has do with things beyond how much room we have, of course we have the room.

all i am saying is that, in comparison to other places in the world, the US has a long ways to go before feeling the squeeze of over population

That’s not the point necessarily. Mainly, from my limited knowledge, overpopulation has to do with the resources available and junk like that.

you guys are rediculous, and what are you doing posting to a FORUM about something that will affect your personal life from now on?
seriously, that is one of the most rediculous things i’ve ever seen. i suggest you keep yourself “normal” at least until you get married or grow at least a bit older like others have said…
the only reason i could see you getting a vasectomy now is so that you can be a pornstar, and what good will that be in 10 years when you have every disease in the book and a few that aren’t … with nothing else but a dream of having a significant other in your life.

Maybe he just doesn’t want to have kids by accident. Plus this way you don’t have to use a rubber. They ruin everything.:frowning:

except your life… or thats the idea anyways.

A vasectomy is a big decision. Maybe its also the right one.

You’re 24 years old now. In another 24 years those things might have changed and you still won’t be too old to have children.

can’t answer directly your question … but raising kids is a real challenge and fun!
You’ll have to reinvent yourself and you grow wiser because kids provide lot of good advices!
so if you do not want to raise your kids raise those of others!

Well heres the thing about having children.They send you broke; they demand your attention all the time;you never have any privacy ever again;you loose your own identity and fade into the nothingness of parenthood;Your guaranteed to have interupted sleepless nights for at least the first 10 years of their life (and beyond);Your anxiety and stress levels will rise to unsurpassed heights especially when they are sick,bullied,heartbroken,fighting,depressed,angry etc,etc,etc;they will make you so angry you’ll wonder why you ever had them; and they’ll hurt you like no other person in the universe can.

Recently my 2 teenage daughters in the space of a week yelled at me how much they hate me and what a terrible mother I am.

Heres the paradox.

I have 4 children aged 11 to 19.Knowing what I know now would I have children.The honest answer is yes.I would die for each and every one of my children.They are all wonderful human beings and unique in their own ways.Ive enjoyed getting to know them as they grow and develop and become the people they are and will be.They make me laugh,they give me hugs and kisses, and they’re fun company.They have forced me to be a better person than I probably ever would have been.Being a parent means you have to develop a lot of qualities that also happen to make you a better person such as selflessness,patience,caring,resilience,unending capacity to compromise,forgive,guide and advise and love.

Having children is definately one of the hardest things Ive ever done by far.Its hard work and lots of it.But having children is probably also the ultimate challenge.You get a clean slate with a child.You think you wont make any mistakes like your parents did,you think youll be the perfect parent and your kids will know their loved and have every opportunity in the world to be and do whatever they want to.You think they will all be happy and well adjusted human beings and will find meaningful and fulfilling paths in life filled with love and happiness.So theres the challenge in having children and its one that shouldnt be embarked on lightly.As a unicyclist you probably enjoy challenges.So know that I think having children is the ultimate challenge.

To decide whether or not to have children is a decision that only you or you and your partner in life( should their be one in the future) can make.One day I think I might like to try to do some really big drops on my uni.I wont know for sure whether I will or not till I gain some more skills and experience to make that decision.Get some more skills and experience of life before you make your decision on whether to have kids or not.

yes i agree with Phil on uni all uniers should have a ton of kids with good balance because we need to build are numbers up then we can start on are way to unicycle domination.:smiley:

ha, thats funny.And I have to say another good reason!:smiley:

I give this post a troll score of about 3/10. You weren’t just jumping to conclusions, you were pole-vaulting across chasms of logic to get there.

I beg to differ. Unicycling down Mt. Everest is the ultimate challenge. With the proper reproductive organs, most anyone can pop out a child.

Nice post from DaretoDream ^^^.

To the OP…You are way to young for this decision. Sometimes the Vasectomies CAN’T be reversed.

If you even 1% unsure…that is enough to put off the procedure till you are older/wiser.

Youve missed the point.Popping out the kids is the easy bit.Doing a half decent job of raising them, thats the challenge!

Oh and dont stop at only doing Everest as the ultimate challenge, you may as well say doing the nine peaks that all the mountaineers do (including Everest) is the ultimate challenge.Why only do one when you can do all?:stuck_out_tongue: