convince me to have kids.

Ok. So I’m a 24 year old guy. I have no children. I am very seriously considering a vasectomy. I’ve already done the research and I know all about alternative methods of birth control (to a vasectomy, I mean).

Reasons why I don’t, and will never, want to have children:

-I’m selfish.
-I’m irresponsible.
-I don’t really love my parents for no particular reason (make a different thread if you want to discuss this)
-One of my brothers, raised by my parents in a very similar manner to the way I was raised, has turned out to be a moron, and a very bad human being.
-My own childhood was a living hell (through no fault of my parents, really, they did their best), and I didn’t even have it that bad.
-I just don’t like kids.

I know it’s possible to get it reversed, but that doesn’t always work, especially if you get the vasectomy done at a young age (24 is really young). Finally I’m a big supporter of adoption, because it doesn’t contribute to over population, and it can really help a kid out who’s life may otherwise be really shitty until they turn 18 (and beyond if things go really badly).

So yeah, play devils advocate here, and convince me to have kids.

Looks like we don’t have to, you already want them. Maybe we should be telling you not to have kids.

Sounds to me like you don’t want kids and shouldn’t have them. Frankly, I know lots of happy people who don’t have kids. I know this is not in keeping with the title of this thread, but when has that ever stopped anyone?

Are you married…? if not, wait and ask her.

Wow. I’ve posted this to a few other forums so far, and I really thought that you all would have responses that are leaps and bounds above the rest. Come on, step it up!

And Harper, as a scientist, you should understand the drive to eliminate as much error as possible from any decisions that need to be made. I’m curious as to weather or not anyone comes up with something ground breaking that I haven’t heard yet. I’ve already found a Doctor, close by to me, who’s willing to do the surgery on a 24 year old man, with no kids. Also, he charges with a sliding scale, so that I can afford it!

Oh, and no, I’m not married, that would be a pretty big detail to omit. I guess I didn’t even think that I’d have to include the fact that I’m happily single in my first post, but on second thought, I should have.

Why should we convince you to have kids if you don’t want to? Is someone pressuring you to have kids?

If you need other people to tell you to do something that you claim to not want to do, then I suggest you grow some balls and spread your seed already. :slight_smile:

This is not a decision that determines minimum acceptable dielectric strength, radiation exposure risk, acceptable yield strength, or instrument serviceability. You go through life and you choose. Then you hope you have no regrets.

I’m a fan of the radio show Loveline, and one of the things that one of the hosts (Dr. Drew) said is who you are at 20, is a totally different person than when your 30. I think it’s at 28 that you become who you will be for the rest of your life personality wise. Someone called in with a similar situation as yours, and Drew’s advice was to just wait, and really think about it.

Good luck whatever you do.

I posted a similar thread a couple years back… in case you’re interested.

diapers and college tuition.

thats supposed to convince?

anyway you got to remember the one kid that you are going to like is going to be your own… I really would recomend finding a lady that felt the same way first before doing anything derastic.

then again, you might be a millionaire playboy for all we know… which in that case, cut those cords and go to town…

…because a 14 year old boy from “Massastupidchussets” who thinks Bush deserves a 3rd term and believes child rape is funny knows what most women want. :roll_eyes:

I did some research here. You’re going to pay several hundred a year to store your sperm, after paying about a grand for processing and testing. The process of “using” your sperm can cost a couple thousand each try, and the success rate is in the 20-30% range. This is an expensive route to go.


you should not have to be convinced to have kids…you either want them or you dont,
but judging from the fact that you posted this i think you do want them, but just dont want to admit it yet, or you just choose to ignore that fact. You just want us to conform the reasons why you should have them, which you already know.

When and if you meet the right girl for you, you might not even need to anybody to convince you, your animal instincts will just take over :stuck_out_tongue:

If you don’t want kids, don’t have any. I have 7 and wish I had more but not everyone wants to be a parent. And there are a lot out there who shouldn’t be.

why would you not want kids i mean what else would you spend 80% of your income on and who else would empty your fridge :thinking:

also even if you don’t want kids why would you cut you nuts off just keep it in your pants from now on… or do you have a surgical fetish. :astonished:

If you truly don’t want kids, then you shouldn’t have them, b/c that may not be good for the children either. As for the vasectomy, you may want to wait b/c you may meet an amazing woman that will change you opinion on children, and you may want a child to complete the family. But then again you said you support adoption sooooo… :roll_eyes:

I know it may sound like I’m arguing with myself, but rather than convince, I’ll try to help you see both sides of this decision.:slight_smile:

a vasectomy isn’t cutting off your balls, its cutting the tube that allows sperm to get out of the penis. If you cut off your balls, you’d lose testosterone, and would have a lot of physical problems.

about 50% of couples are child-free by choice.

it would be unethical to convince anyone to have kids, when there’s already more than we can feed and care for. i like your preference for adoption. then again, you said you were selfish, and there’s lots of selfish reasons to have kids (as well as generous reasons).