College Dorm + Unicycle Limitations

If you don’t have anyroom just give your uni a bath and then sleep with it. Like a metal teddy bear with one wheel.:smiley:

if you could get one of those closet organizers (the thingies that hang off the bar, but are like fabric shelves) you could put one in, and that will save you a lot of room in your closet, then just jam your unicycles into there.

i was in a dorm room (by myself, but shared the rest of the living spaces with others) for my final year when i got into unicycling and i very comfortably fit two unicycles plus a BMX bike into the room. but i didn’t have a lot of clothing to hang up so it was okay.

it also helped that my closet had no doors :slight_smile:

I got 3 unis under my bed with the help of these plastic things they sell for $9.99 that raise your bed up 6 inches. You could also make a loft out of 2x4’s (easier than you’d think) or rent one from some stores or the university itself.

Putting holes in your walls is a bad idea. You’re gonna need at least a drill, which makes noise. Also, my old room was completely concrete block walled, so have fun with that.

My school had bike lockers outside you could rent for a semester for $12. One could easily fit a large number of unis.

Something you might want to get is a Bmx clamp so no one steals your seat. Either that or learn how to ride the impossible wheel.:wink:

Us “Yanks” call it spackle, grout or Fix-All. I love the english-english language barriers on this site :smiley:

I did a quick drawing on paint but this is how it works with a loft. Usually they have side beams for an increased amount of structure. You build a wood contraception that slides over it and has a removable pin at the top to keep it in place and always you to take it off, and the hook holds the unicycle.

collegeunicycle.jpg (709 KB)

Best arrangement I ever had in my dorm room was with a loft. I once also had a raised bed with cinder blocks, which is a bit easier to pull off construction wise. But lofts aren’t all that hard to build, and you can put hooks to hang things all over them quite easily. They create a lot of extra space in the whole room, and look cool to boot.

As far as limited room size… Just apply some mad tetris skillz and you’ll find that an amazing amount of stuff will fit.

Re: College Dorm + Unicycle Limitations

On Tue, 16 Aug 2005 13:18:38 -0500, “carsonpalooza” wrote:

>build a wood contraception that slides over it and has a removable pin
>at the top to keep it in place

A wood contraception? I’ll be kind and refrain from making this my new
sig line. :slight_smile:

Klaas Bil - Newsgroup Addict

“Unicycling is like glue: you have to stick with it, and it’s not to be sniffed at - Mikefule”

Re: Re: College Dorm + Unicycle Limitations

Its the removeable pin part that kills me.

BAHAHAHAHAHA I can’t help it.

Sorry Carson

It’s ok

Hahahaha, I forgot I said that stuff…


Another idea; if you have a car while you’re in college just keep the uni’s in the truck? When I went to college I had a take-apart 12 footer that I made and I kept it stored in the trunk of my car so I didn’t have to bring it in and out of the dorms whenever I wanted it. Then I kept my freestyle uni also in my truck or sometimes brought it in to my room and you can always find a place for 1 uni. Wasn’t into Muni or trials then so that’s all I had.

NOTE: When you’re drunk/high/whatever and people see the uni they’ll want you to ride it but just be careful when doing tricks cause you can fall and hurt yourself easily. I know from experience. Tried to do a 360 when I was wasted and fell hard on my ass/hands and it hurt like hell even though I was drunk.