Coker freeze-frame Tire grab!

Here’s a cool action shot of me doing a tire grab on my coker. I think I got about a good foot off the ground. :slight_smile:

I took the shot with my new digital cam that can take 5 quick burst shots on the timer. Again, I had to greatly reduce the resolution to post it here. I love my new toy!:smiley:

Fantastic, you are really onto something here with your extreme cokeuring. I am wondering if those flames are from Darren Bedford? They look slick.

haha nah, I got them at my local hobby shop. Reminds me I need to pick up another sheet of new ones!:stuck_out_tongue:

I am jealous. I still have trouble turning to the right! Pic looks great!

It that rolling or static? Its sweet either way.

Static. I’ll have to try it rolling also! Here’s a quick youtoobie of a few other shots. It was really took dark in my back yard so the best pic is the first one I posted.

Last pic of Morty was taken yesterday with the same camera.:slight_smile:

Freeze-dried Linky:

You should search the fora for HCR or HardcoreCokerRider. That guy was an extreme cokeur. I wonder what became of him?

Looks like you got both feet off the ground.

It’s funny looking back at what I was saying in 5/06; I was really finding it hard to believe that anybody would/could ride a coker offroad, or do anything extreme with one! I’ve lived and learned haha!:smiley:

Hahahaha, you’re the opposite to Derick Zoolander.

maaaaaan, i wish i could do that with my coker.


You should be able to. Lower the saddle so you can get plenty of knee bend, reduce tire pressure to get some good “bounce”, and use at least 152mm cranks for good leverage. Then go for it!:smiley:

Haha, I remember trying to convinced you to go with the airfoil rim (you did) because even though you claimed you were never going to go offroad with it I knew it would happen. Happy new year.

Yeah I guess Never say never! Happy '08 to you too! :smiley:

Great shot Terry. Congratulations on getting sponsored by 661, ADT, NO ING and Everlast. Did they pay for your new digital camera? Keep up the good work.

NO ING are sponsoring me next year.
“You want your INGS gone? Phone NO ING on 2990 NOW!”

They’ve got t-shirts printed and everything.

Haha nah, just the usual 20% discount…and the Piano tuning sign was “half off!” :stuck_out_tongue:

Whiz Bang!

Here are a few taken today (1/1/08) by Rod Wiley, at a place in Chatsworth, CA, known as “Whiz bang”. Amazingly rocky/technical, with boulders of all sizes to hop on/off, gap…as far as the eye can see! You could spend a lifetime here and not do the same line twice!

This one is another coker tire grab overlooking the area.:smiley:


ready set…

Peace & love…