Coker freeze-frame Tire grab!

This is my highest coker grab yet! :sunglasses:

Nice shots Terry. Was wondering what you got for a new camera.

It’s the ultra compact Sony W-80. takes nearly 3 shots per second! also will take continuous bursts and up to 5 on the timer. That’s how I got the first pic in front of my house. Awesome camera! Btw, just to remind, these shots were all reduced way down in res to comply with the 800x600 file size limit, so the originals are amazingly sharp and lifelike, and can be easily enlarged to 11x17, without losing any detail.


Terry you certainly are an inspiration !!! I know I want to be as active as you when I get to the young age of 52 :slight_smile:

Haha thanks! Actually, I’ve been rushing things just a tad…age-wise. I don’t officially turn the big FIVE-TWO until Jan 15th.:smiley:

Nice Pix, Terry and some good air. I ordered up some cool clouds for the shots, too.

(pats self on back)

Man, those are so clear. Love that camara.

Yeah thanks for manning the camera, you’re a good photog!

Coker no footer!

This was scary! :astonished:

you really are a dare devil :stuck_out_tongue: !!

I love freeze frame shots! Here’s mine from last summer


Hey Terry, what kind of pedals do you have on your Coker ?

I Have the same ones but… I have no idea what brand they are… :thinking:

I Had a good deal on them :roll_eyes: 5$

Pedals.bmp (257 KB)

And finally, my attempt at a “Coker Crab Walk”:stuck_out_tongue:
First you have to jump high enough to just get
on the wheel! :sunglasses:





Those are Azonic “Fusion” Magnesium pedals. Really like them for coker. grippy, light and less than $30 pair. I get mine here:

Wow! Insane pics! That’s a very impressive little camera! :astonished:

That’ll probably be my choice if I get a Point and Shoot cam for skiing and such.

Haha I know this is totally off subject but I used to think you were pretty wierd. But the more I got to see all the stuff you do, I see your actually a really cool guy.

I still don’t believe your 50. Early 40’s maybe, just maybe

Haha thanks. Actually I’ll be 52 in less than 2 weeks. I’ve always looked younger than my age, and usually in person ppl guess me between 30-35 average. A lady on a trail a couple weeks ago said she thought I was maybe 28 and said I looked like a “Skater punk” haha! That gave me a chuckle, cuz most skater punks are a lot younger than that! :sunglasses:

Getting into boxing?

thats for the mailman, a facet for their anger, less chance of “going postal”

I just like to break out my bag gloves now & then and wail on it for a half hour or so!:stuck_out_tongue: Actually a really good workout!