Clip of the Week

Grrrr…You’re never posting, and the only times you do, it’s to break dreams ! :angry: :stuck_out_tongue: I’m joking !



Rolling hop up a 5… nice.

Nice to see some non flatland from you.

Bring back rails! Big street tech grinds please.
Low rail tech grinds are boring… its like watching flatland but with a twist.

I wanted to watch this but the flashing started to make me feel epileptic.

that was nice! the flashing was a bit over done(not altogether bad, just a bit over the top:p ), especially in the credits, but the riding was sweet.

The music defanitly suits. Nice riding.

Wait, what?

It’s Sunday ! (Wow time goes by so fast…) Again a new rider this week, Julien (Yes ! The one and only Julien Renaud) made a comeback and came riding with us this week end. Hope you enjoy !

Vimeo : Coming soon… (Désolé Émile, mais ça marchait vraiment pas, faut tu le ré-upload…)


did hugo get a KH frame? The rolling wrap to backroll was pretty sick!

Émile5- your riding in these last two looks significantly improved. Faster paced and virtually no hesitation :sunglasses:

I havn’t seen that trick in ages, except with a flip…



I edited those clips, watched it without music and liked the way it turned out, so there you go !


Hope you don’t mind the tricks’ name, I liked the font ! :stuck_out_tongue:


Cool spins Hugo, I must say I’m getting rather jealous of you Montreal Riders, so I spent a couple hours today just practicing spins and walks.

Some people are given praise for landing 540s seat in, so to seat out isnt that impressive… Its a personal preferance kinda thing.

Can’t wait for your guys snow to dry up so we can see some more bigstreet. :smiley:

cool clips, i like the “ish’s” lol. i find landing 540s seat out is way harder then seat in, you have to catch your seat with your hands, rather then your crotch, haha.

That 540ish, was closer to a 360, no?

I liked that out-backflip. Very Clean.

Yeah the catching with your crotch thing works for me haha. But it usually results in me landing on the very end of my handing, thus, resulting in a very disapointing broken saddle. Huge spins to seat in are easier then to seat out. But… once again, personal perferance.

AhAh ! Yeah for the 5twist, the thing you don’t see is that on the right of the garage, there’s a bunch of old bikes rusting, and all my previous attempts resulted in painful bails on these, so I kept that one.

And well the 5spin, I’ve always landed my spins seat in, so I was proud to land it seat out. But I should have called it like a “seat ouint” or wint, because it was between seat in and out…

Anyways, thanks for the comments guys !


P.S. Hey Émile, do you thing I should put online my sunday’s last trick ?

I think moves to seat in look a lot better. But I spose to seat out is good if you can follow it up with another trick.

I agree although I think landing seat in when the uni is backwards looks dumb, I think landing seat out is def the way to go when you do a trick that will end with the uni backwards.