Clicking noise on KH24

Well, bummer and PITA to have to send in the wheelset, but it’s encouraging to hear UDC is being responsive. I’ve had similar issues with other gear, and know how it can drive you crazy (regardless of my silly post earlier in the thread). Hope it works out, and it will be good to know how to fix this problem for others.

I got a phone message from UDC today telling me that they are sending a new wheelset out because the one I sent back for examination of the clicking / creaking noise was “out of tolerance”. I should be back in the saddle in a week or so.

I want to put a plug in for UDC. They’ve been very responsive and helpful.

Kris Holm Unicycles responded to my request for info on this problem. I was impressed with their attention too.

Thanks to all for the info and suggestions. I got scattered out in several directions in my search for a solution, but I got there (I hope). I’ll know after a few rides on the new wheel / crank set.

Update on Clicking / Creaking noise from cranks

I’ve received my unicycle back from UDC. I’ve only ridden three times, but all is quiet and tight. A few more rides will tell, but I think it’s going to be ok. UDC and KH responded immediately to my concerns. I appreciate that. It turns out there was a tolerance issue with the manufacturer that has since been cleared up. I can’t ride for a while because I wrecked on my mtn *ike and sprung a rib. As soon as I can get back on I’ll wring 'er out good.

new hub still quiet?

Purchased a KH29 in Dec of 2010. Mine started clicking after 4 months. Store I purchased from wants to pull bearings and apply chain lube to axel. Not confident that will solve my problem long term.

clicking KH hub question

Has anyone tried pulling bearings with puller, applying triflow to axel then adding grease to hub? I was told this would repair the clicking hub noise. Mine is clicking after 4 months from purchase. Turn up music to drown out the terrible noise? Really? That is what I am faced with having to do?

See this thread: creaking

What do your bearing caps look like when they are on? How tight are they?

If the sound you hear is better characterized as “groaning” than “clicking”, there are several possible sources. The spokes rubbing against each other is one. I have not found lubrication to be effective for this but it can be remedied with nylon spacers (unfortunately you can’t buy these but must make your own) or by soldering the spokes together. A loose spline joint is another source. You can test this. See my YouTube OneFreeBrain videos “Unicycle Equipment Suggestions” and “Make a High-Torque Gear Puller Stabilizer”.