Christian Huriwai - Street Unicycling

Absolutely amazing

Those. Grinds. Were. Crazy. You. Are. Insane.:smiley:

This video was uploaded last decadeā€¦



Sponsorship=free/discounted parts
So you would much rather for a company that makes better parts or has a better contract (all free rather than only discounted). I donā€™t know any of what was in the contracts for Chris, but this is the basic idea for being on a team.

Iā€™m surprised no one said anything about the backflip from crankgrab into fakie. It was very stylish.

I switched to Koxx-one cause theyā€™re simply awesome XD

----=======I----I I clapped at the compā€¦

lucky Iā€™m on the ball

I replayed it like 20 times :stuck_out_tongue:

me too :sunglasses:

but then i also replayed the whole movie about 20 times.


Astonishing! Really goddamn incredible. This videos awesomeness flabbergasted me! :astonished:

The wallplant trick in the first line was really stylish (as everything else). Iā€™ve really got to get better at wallplants.
I really enjoyed seeing a wrapwalk as a part of a street combo, instead of just flatland. The really short stillstand after the wrapwalk keeps catching my eye. Itā€™s nothing serious, justā€¦ kinda irritating.
The runup to the crankgrab - crankbackflip could have been a bit shorter, but the trick itself was so stylish it doesnā€™t matter.
The crankgrab - 5spin was great. I have to nail crankgrab - 3spin soon.
The fifthflip up the curb and sexchange down had a Shaun J-ish style to it. Wow.
The huge grind with the 180 out was by far my favourite part of the video!
The chain bail was cool. Glad you made the gap. :slight_smile:
I didnā€™t notice that you did a backtiregrab the first couple of times I watched the video. I think it would have been easier to see if the camera had been closer.
The crankgrab - footplant bigspin looked wicked.
Actually, I think the next footplant gap kind of trick is my favourtie part. Itā€™s so hard to choose between all these impressive tricks and lines.
The hickflip - grind also reminded me of Shaun J.
The landing on the last grind looked really hard.

EDIT: Wow, what a long postā€¦

I agree with all your points :stuck_out_tongue: Its hard going from rollingwrap into a hop straight away, in that kind of situation, I was scared actually, which surprised me.

Thaaank yooou :smiley:

that was amazing!

so this is what street is!

omg i love you

Hahahaha <3 !

Again, it was amazing. Definately one of the best Iā€™ve ever seen.

Chris your my hero!!!

Definition of street right here!

Everything was amazing!

I really liked the scene for the flat comboā€¦ really cool how it was an open space and you then clear in the background was the big buildings!

I also liked the 180 out of the grind, the foot plant after the street line was soooooooooooooooooo sexy!

All your hard work really showed here!

Nice job!

Seriously, this is why your my favourite rider, this vid was packed with awesomeness

Everytime I see a video like this it reminds me how bad I am. That was amazing street. :astonished:

Just watched it yet another time. Amaaaaazing!

Wouldnā€™t it be like going from wrapwalk to a hopping trick like 3spin? But I bet itā€™s harder when youā€™re scared. :slight_smile:

Iā€™m reminded how much better I can get and how much fun there lies ahead. Try focusing on that too. :slight_smile:

Cool, Iā€™ve found a 19set, but I was too afraid to do it last time I rode in the town where it is. Maybe next time. :stuck_out_tongue:

u shouldnt hav told us cause now im going to very very disapointed if u dont try it in ur next video

Chris, youā€™r like wolverine, a beast! (just watched x-men haha)
The last rail is soooo sick!!! This vid show what ā€œstreetā€ mean! Good job, but I find hilarious that sometime you wear your helmet but you didnt at the last rail! :smiley:

Ah, Iā€™ll just postpone my videos until I get it. :stuck_out_tongue:

AWESOME! Thatā€™s all I have to say. Partly this vid brought me back to unicycling (and I am not a street rider) :wink: