Caption competition

It’s alright, who understands those crazy brits anyway. I mean, I could understand if it was a swear/normal word combination, like shithouse, or tentacleshit, but this…


why unicycling when you can sleep (?) :>


Robbie, I am sorry you are outraged. The competition was/is only a bit of fun and judging it is very hard. It is well known that humor is cultural and all the judges were British. Dylan’s entry was discussed and liked by one of the judges but it was also pointed out by one of the others that they actively disliked it and though it smutty and she was offended by it.

Humor is never funny if explained, so I wont, but it was one of the few captions that made me laugh out load.

The next caption competition will be open officially on the first of December, I will transfer all the new captions already posted over to a new post so it separates the two competitions. Please take the competition in the spirit that it was meant to be, just a bit of fun.

Thanks again for everyone who posted me pictures for future competitions.

Although a worthy adversary, Obie’s Arch Nemesis Summit’s Defeet


Don’t worry Roger, I was just having a bit of fun with my post. Although I think Dylan’s entry should have won, I’m not actually outraged. :slight_smile: