Can you join the IUF?

Can you?

How, and do you get a member number like the USA gives out?

Do you have to take a separate test to pass the IUF Skill Levels?

Good questions. When the IUF was first incorporated in 1985, there were individual memberships and a newsletter. Since then, the organization has not been selling the individual memberships because there was no newsletter or other product to go with it. But attendees to UNICON over the years have generally paid an IUF membership fee.

As one of the early members, I do have a number, though I don’t believe anyone is keeping track of that old database. I’m pround to say my IUF number is 018, and my USA membership number is 810.

The IUF is currently working on a representatives system, to bring a more official form of representation to the various countries and/or organizations in unicycling.

It is hoped that in the future, being a member of your national unicycling organization will make you a member of the IUF. But this system is still in the development stages.

For skill levels, technically you would have to take separate tests as there are some very minor differences in some of the levels (in interpretation, not wording). But the IUF does not sell patches or offer any certificates with the passage of levels, so the USA system is the more fully featured one to work with at the present time. USA is working on a major revamp of the skill levels system, and when it’s completed this system may also be adopted by the IUF.

018 | 810 – cool, is that a circle, a line and a figure 8? Could there be a more complete set of numbers? Another point, the two share two lines of symmetry, the vertical to the side (with each other) and the horizontal through the middle of the numbers (self symmetry).

um, back to a less interesing topic: what other local/national orgs should I be considering: I’m working on a database for unicyclists, and one table will be of unicyclists.

Right now I have columns like:


I was going to have columns for usa_member_number and join_date, with same for the IUF, but…

Since in the future, unicyclists could belong to more than one org, maybe I should not have it in that table, probably I should have a separate unicyclist_organization table, so it can easily expand.

Any other data that might be useful?

no but you can join the IMBA

Re: Can you join the IUF?

On Tue, 15 Apr 2003 15:01:23 -0500, iunicycle
<> wrote:

>018 | 810 – cool, is that a circle, a line and a figure 8? Could there
>be a more complete set of numbers? Another point, the two share two
>lines of symmetry, the vertical to the side (with each other) and the
>horizontal through the middle of the numbers (self symmetry).
Very cool observations!

>I’m working on a database for unicyclists
Interesting. In what framework are you doing this? I mean, is it on
the request of some organisation or the like? How do you see it

Klaas Bil - Newsgroup Addict

“When someone asks you, ““A penny for your thoughts”” and you put your two cents in . . . what happens to the other penny? - George Carlin”

That’s a good idea.

I’m a member of UUU and I would join the IUF were that possible.

In addition to this I am a member of several other groups including my current pet project

(in fact I’m the unicycle representative - we’re working for better trails in the Uk and I’m making sure that unicyclists are allowed to ride them)

Re: Re: Can you join the IUF?

What started out as a simple project has grown complex, but maybe more generally useful.

I wanted to have a way of logging my progress on each skill, maybe these comments would be for my own future benefit, but I wanted others to have the chance to do the same.

The point was that comments recorded at the time you are learning a skill would have some benefits:

  1. The unicyclist would look for progress while practicing, this is a good habit, essential really.
  2. While the memory is fresh you might remember what you tried. Your progress at a certain point in learning a skill might require methods that you will very soon no longer need. Recording what you tried, close to when you tried it is important for accuracy. It will help others learn, or encourage them by showing the learning process.

So to support more than just my thoughts, I am developing a web application to allow any unicyclist to record their progress on skills. The unicyclist table, just holds additional user information. This part of the application is going to be like a web log. Each log entry can be made public, or kept private, so users who don’t want to publish their thoughts can still record them.

Oh, if life were so simple. It turns out that there are usually other folks who might be interested in the progress of a unicyclist, or might be in a better position to record progress. Besides unicyclists, there are parents and coaches, and clubs. It should be possible for a parent to setup an account for their children and record their progress. A coach might be given access to view or add information as well.

The logs are keyed to skills. I have already converted the Standard Skill List to a database format. Besides Standard Skill, I hope to include other categories of skills: trials, Muni, racing, Skill Levels, what else?

Although the skill lists might provide a convenient method of search for those who know where to look, an additional method is being developed. I am developing a skill classifier that allows you to search for skills by the physical characteristics of the skill, such as the positions of the unicyclist’s body and the relative position of the unicycle.

Also, as I have said previously, a Standard Skill routine tool should help unicyclists to combine skills they can do into a form useful for competition.

For unicycle orgainzations, I am currently thinking of using the following fields:
org_type, – like club, national, international, commercial
url, – their web address
members_p, – can you join?
org_bio – short or long biography

Clubs will have a completely separate set of tables, since they are more central to the site structure.

Oh, just noticed the following on 018:

Each numeral also has a vertical symmetry and the numberals add to 9, which is the number of numerals (3) squared! If you add 9 to three, you get 12, the number of months you should unicycle in a year, multiply that by 3 and you get the usual number of spokes on a unicycle…

Now if I could just figure out what my USA number of 6144 means.

I don’t know what it means either other than that you joined a lot later than John Foss. But as an apparent number wizard you’re bound to appreciate the fact that 6144 equals 3 * 2^11.

Klaas Bil

and 3 2 1 1 is backward, the first four elements of the Fibonacci Sequence…