Building My Own Uni

Not having been on a unicycle for about 5 years I have lost a bit of balance, and starting off with a unicycle that weighs over 35 pounds is not easy. I can go about 25 feet before I have to bail off, but getting better. I have gotten my old 24" Schwinn out of moth balls and cleaned up a bit of surface rust and having it powder coated. A new tube and tire and I will be up and running next week. When I am able to ride that big thing, I will get a video together.

lol i wanna ride that so bad

lolz : P practical unicycling [though you’re right, I don’t know what I’d do with it other than look really super cool cruising around sidewalks on it]

That’s an awesome ride, I just thought about cruising the boardwalk on a beach with it. it’d be so much fun : D

on a completely separate and strange note . . . does it bother anybody that “unicycling” is not considered a word on a mac? the auto checker catches it. . . though unicyclist works fine . . . . this is = fail : ( maybe I need to inform apple of this : P

Yes. It does bug me. I always do a double-take when it’s highlighted as misspelled. It’s shown in as a verb. Merriam-Webster online dictionary doesn’t have it.

This one’s for you!

Hey Bone,
I’m posting this for you. No one else look! This gives a good idea of the cutting, the rest is you.
(LOBBY"the Beatnick"BOPSTER)

That is beautiful.
Add a polished aluminium rim and white tire (A transparent
tire would be awesome!).

If I ever get more time I think I need to make something like this.

You have inspired me - I might have to make a simple 20" uni
for myself just for the fun of it. Maybe out of hardwood?

Thanks Lobbybobster, It is so damn cool! Been looking for a frame, with out much luck yet. Hope I can find one for a decent price. Thanks for the pics. Bone

good work mate.

i like the super stick perelli on it,there a great tyre


+1 Great asthetic tire, Bone.

Hay, I have seen the wheel before with a different rider. Is that the Salt Flats? Thanks for the picture.

Click on the picture and it’ll take you to the website I found it on.

I saw that uni with a big biker guy on it in a pic in an email!

Wow, I didn’t see this thread before. The crown on that thing looks so slick.

What did you use for an axle and how did you attach it to the hub?

The axle is 3/4 inch round steel rod. When I find a stainless steel rod I think I will switch it. Had to grind a flat in each end for the cottered cranks. The shaft is held in place by a coller on each side with set screws. Had to dimple the axle to keep the shaft from turning. The collers are welded to an 1/8 inch steel plate cut round to fit the wheel hub, then bolted to the hub.
The frame is 1 inch conduit that I filled with sand and heated with a torch to bend. 1/8 in plate on top. The seat post tube is stainless steel, welded from the bottom so no weld visible.
I have riden it a little bit and is kind of a bitch to turn, but not to bad to go in a straight line. Good thing it is mostly flat here. Down the drive way is a bit exciting. LOL

Cotterred Cranks!

I think you’ve got the newest Cotterred unicycle axel in the word now! You are a record breaker. How does it feel?
My first Schwinn 24" had cotterred cranks too.

Actually it is not to bad, just heavy. 35 pounds. I was suprised it felt pretty good.

Hey Steve Here’s an update on my road uni, 26" Spin Road wheel and suspension. Not finished but close. Left the brake mounts on, but have not decided to go disc or rim. Note, welded home made bearing cups on. Any thing else that could be done? A cap with a cup for the lower leg of yours to fit in?

Looks very cool Mark,
Love the wheel. Where did you get it? I have watched a couple LTS frames on Ebay, but the prices went way up.
On my springer frame, I bought a couple aluminum split collars and I think they will work out great and look good. I like the caps on yours. I have to find a stainless steel axle, and then I can weld the collars on the frame. (I may need to practice my aluminum welding a bit tho :slight_smile: ) A buddy of mine may have a stainless steel outboard shaft that I could use. Then there is the problem of mounting it to my bicycle front wheel. But I think I have that figured out. I will post pictures when I get a little further along.
Great job on yours tho. COOL