Bloody rock

It’s a KH fanclub? :stuck_out_tongue:


Ha, I love my koxx better. But yeah its gonna be a koxx setup. I am getting a differnt one when the US gets more parts. For now its gonna be the light rim, 135 street cranks, Jimmy C pedals, try all tire, longneck frame, reinforced seat post, and my blue berry saddle. Later im gonna swap out the frame for hte black domina, and then get a pitfighter seat post, Renegade doenst have them in right now but will in a lil while…

Edit: Ohh I jsut noticed 3 unicycles in that pit Have Koxx parts…Mine of course, Spencer is runnin a Koxx wheel, and Shaun(long hair) Is runnin a gold edition Koxx saddle…Were even!!!

Nice, what colour Jim Cielencki’s? You should buy everything in a different colour so it looks weird… that’s what I’m doing.

EDIT: You should be purely non-conformist, just, like, me!

And Jim was riding Jarin’s old red label pedals that come on the devil.

Yeah yeah yeah… how could I turn down a whole wheel and 2 tires for $60?

My pedals cost that much… :frowning:

I wish I could catch deals like that. I don’t have enough money to get in on the deals I find.

True…But I know you like em :smiley:

You just have to know people who are getting new unis. I got the wheel from Jarin because he got the new kh.

Yeah its cool. 110 cranks suck though. I dont like 140s either.

Sry for the late reply I was on the phone with your sis muahahaha. Lol sry, well i might be able to help you with that in a lil bit…if someone is lookin for a good deal on a muni Im thinkin bout sellin mine…

how much do you want for the wheel?

getting a track monster? or are you just quitting muni altogether?

The first one.

Cody loves muni.

Lol yeah muni is fricken awsome! umm im not sure on prices but the seatpost is a wee bent after some handrails today made it a lil worse then when you saw it miles. But the wheelset, the rim is off, it needs to be trued, and one of hte axles has a lil tweak, but still strong. Well I guess it would be like 60-70 bucks im not sure if that lol

It looks like the cranks are bent but the axle is twisted a little, I doubt anyone would notice when riding it. You can see it though.

painting my nail’s, makeup on my face, im almost emo enough to start shaving my legs (i might have just butchered the emo song)

Can’t a guy make out with two or three other guys and not be gay?

Can you start 2 or 3 forest fires without being an arsonist? :roll_eyes:

of course!

game set match-tennis
set match run-arson