Biggest miles in one go

Did 8.25 miles (~13.25 km) on my 29" in exactly an hour just this morning! (That’s the most I’ve managed in one day since I’ve never found the time to ride for an hour in a single day before!)

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I don’t think seat hardness is the problem, but rather how it contacts your sit bones and soft tissue. On a bicycle, I prefer a hard leather saddle with springs. A spongy, soft saddle feels more comfortable at first, but it’s pushing against all sorts of soft tissue that it shouldn’t be and after several miles it’s far more uncomfortable than a harder saddle that supports your sit bones.

The posture of riding on a unicycle and the way that the saddle is used to control the unicycle makes it much harder to have a truly ergonomic unicycle saddle. Just the nature of unicycle saddles means they tend to push against your crotch, which is exactly where they shouldn’t be pushing.

I’ve been wondering how well a noseless saddle with an upturned mad4one style handle and vertical extensions down the sides would work. That would take pressure off your perineum, but still allow you to control it with your thighs and hands.

Everyone is different. I have did a 100 mile day on a UDC Club saddle with just light weight cargo pants, no padded shorts with absolutely no problem. I normally take a minute or two break about every 15 or 20 minutes or standup and peddle for a few revolutions every so often.

Even an hour is a long time on a uni saddle

M4O handle saddle almost oblige rider to share weight on the hand on the bar, so sitting is easier. KH fusion zero, KH fusion one and Qax Eleven are very firm and flat so are also great for a long ride. Paired with a good handle bar are worth every money (but weight more than M4O)

I think the key is to find a saddle that fits and to have is adjusted correctly. Not any one saddle will work for all and try to make one work with padded shorts is not the answer. My saddle is adjusted with the front relatively high and that puts most of the weight on my sit bones.

With the saddle that came on my Coker I could make about 1/2 mile, padded shorts or not and I said that was enough. Same thing with a Stadium saddle, it just does not fit me. Some others seem to be not bad for me, like the Freeride.

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Saddle comfort is by far my largest inhibitor to longer rides. I don’t go very far without cycle shorts for a couple of reasons such as sit bone padding and hmmm, keeping things in place, but they are also part of the problem. The padding fills the saddle cut out and so puts pressure back onto the perineum, which is what causes my discomfort. Cycle shorts, can’t ride with, can’t ride without.

My longest ride was 22.66 miles in one day with a couple of exploratory and food breaks. Someday, I plan to ride as far as I can without dismounts and one with dismounts. I also want to go on a ride and calculate the total miles in ridden in one day (I rode 7 miles without a dismount once and plan to go much farther next time).

I’m looking to get a new saddle because that’s the main limiting factor for my distance rides. I start getting saddle ‘burn’ after a while. My commute is 5 to 6 miles each way, so about 10 to 12 miles a day and my K1 seat isn’t the most comfortable.

I LOVE road/distance unicycling and if the saddle can be slightly more comfortable, it would make a big difference.

My current setup:


I can’t remember seeing a saddle as curved as yours recently. Maybe a slightly flatter saddle might be more comfortable for you.


My biggest ride in one go without mounting was 35 km.

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@toutestbon Yes I may get the Kris Holm fusion free ride saddle. I know it’ll be better than the saddle I have now haha.

I wonder how you are even able to ride without mounting, let alone 35 km :astonished: :wink:

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Yeah , that’s is Possible but you need a good saddle on your uni. And I love my KH Fusion Zero saddle, that’s the Saddle what I used in my 36" Unicycle. Longer goes without mounting I don’t know but I think it’s possible to ride it.

Check it’s out. :rofl:
It’s a good challenge

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