I’m sick of adobe! It makes my clips looks like crap! I want something new.
Whats the best?
What I’m not liking about adobe… is that the video quality ends up about 5x worse then the original video off of the camera. It makes clips blury and just yuck…
Your site sounds sweet. Make sure when talking about Premiere, to include that the user should setup the preferences to the video they are working on. Like how they have their presets for HD video from certain cameras and standard MiniDV sizes. But lots of people dont pay attention to those, and will have a 320x240 video inside a MiniDV preset, which doesnt show up when your editing, but when it comes to exporting, it really can mess it up, and you dont want the end video to have big boarders around it (Unless intentional) or end up being cropped/stretched which will usually leave you with bad quality.
The “best video editing program” is probably something none of us can afford.
Adobe what, Flash? Premiere Elements (about $100) or regular Premiere (expensive)? It still sounds like you probably have something set wrong when importing. That’s the problem with a lot of “best” software, it’s not always intuitive, or easy to figure out!
im stoked cause my brother is a computer nerd. he said my software program on my computer sucks so I might be able to get an upgrade this summer, WOOT!
Final Cut Pro / Final Cut Express are both excellent but they are also expensive (at least FCP is), and you need to be on a mac (which you don’t seem to be using).
Adobe Premier is an excellent program, it shouldn’t hurt the video quality at all.
I am sure its because I am a FCP user, but I wasnt much of a fan of the Premiere interface.
Over and over I keep hearing how wonderful the Adobe Premiere-AE integration is. IMO it can not come close to the integration of Motion and FCP, I have used both, and AE is (though it is great for the creative mind, with nothing but time on their hands) is just nowhere near as efficient as Final cut studios integration.
The biggest plus for Adobe is the integration from Photoshop to AE. Basically, from a motion graphics standpoint Adobe wins. From a video production standpoint FCS wins.
If I started with Adobe and then moved to FCS, I would prolly have much nicer things to say about it… but its just too slow after going from FCS to Adobe.
arg. i have adobe premier and wen i export the movie it comes up with a message : something had caused adobe to stop working . please shut down the application . u no how to fix it? my movie is like 5mins long but ive cut it in half and still doesnt work .
I downloaded about 10 free video editors for Windows and tried them out before settling with Windows Movie Maker. If FREE is your budget, it doesn’t do everything you want it to, but at least it doesn’t have a precipitous cliff for a learning curve.
Of the above, the ones I tried out that were trash were: Avidemux, Jahshaka, and I think VirtualDub.
Wow, Boffy, what a totally useless error message from Adobe Premiere! You supplied almost no information for us to use for troubleshooting. Nothing about your computer, or the version of the software you’re using. First thing I would do is paste that lame-o error message into Google and see what comes up. Sounds like one or more files, such as .dlls, are missing, corrupt or the wrong versions.
i just use windows movie maker. its free easy to use and you can do some cool stuff with it if you know how. mine always crashes while im working on videos though. thank god for hotkeys (ctrl-s)
I had premeire, and after having that problem, researching it, and doing everything that was suggested (with no avail) I got sick of it and switched to Sony Vegas, and I have no regrets about switching.