Bath to Bristol ride

That’s looking good Marcus - hope you can get it to work reliably.


I hope so too. I just need to true up the hub chain ring and fit a better way of tensioning the chains.

I’ll be riding the path tomorrow on my 29", starting at the Bristol end, and hopefully doing the whole 28 miles. See you there!

Wait, what?
This is tomorrow?
I thought it was next week!

I’d better start training!

I’m on a similar training regime.

Last night I got two hours sleep, tonight might be a few more, but we’ll see.
I’ll see you guys tomorrow - if I wake up. If I don’t, then I’ll wait for you to ride near my house and pretend to have been there all along.

Sorry about charging off ahead without you, guys. If it makes you feel any better, I’m still saddle-sore, and seriously comtemplating upgrading my saddle.

Sorry guys that I couldnt make it, and I forgot to confirm that I couldnt make it. I was really up for it but in then end didnt have a uni I would have been happy cycling for that distance. I hope you all had a good ride. I had a great sail :sunglasses:

Great ride today.
Well, almost.
Just replace the word ‘great’ with ‘painful’.
And replace the word ‘ride’ with ‘torture’ and you’re getting there.
I’m more out of shape than I thought I was.
There were four of us gathered with the other bke riders around 9.30 this morning.
Myself, Geoff, Gareth and Pete (at last I know your name!).
I was on my KH29, Geoff and Gareth were on Nimbus 36s and Pete was on a Nimbus 29.
Not sure of the others crank lengths but I was on 150s.
Straight from the start Pete was off like a bullet from a gun.
He was like a unicycling T-1000.
After about a mile or two of trying to keep up with with him Geoff and I gave each other 'F
ck this’ looks and slowed our pace.
I’m pretty sure Gareth could have easily kept pace with Pete and even gone faster, but he decided to stay with the old farts and chat.
Once up the initial gradual hill things flattened out and I got into a sort-of rhythm.
The path follows an old railway line and a section still has steam trains running for tourists.
It was around this section that Gareth pointed out some of the most bizarre graffiti I have ever seen regarding Thomas The Tank Engine.
Geoff had about a thousand questions for Gareth about riding the big wheel.
We stopped every now and then to take breaks and before we knew it we were at the halfway stage.
In an effort to improve international relations, flat Harper came along with us.
We bought him a pint and a packet of his favourite snacks while we sat down and ate sandwiches (there is a picture of the five of us at the start but it’s on Geoff’s camera).
We kinda… um… lost Geoff at the halfway stage so Gareth and I headed back alone.
Gareth was very good in slowing down for me, I’m sure he could have finished in half the time if he wanted to.
Towards the end I started getting extremely tired and numb in places you don’t want to know.
My rest breaks became more frequent and every stop and remount became blindingly painful.
I’m sure Gareth got sick of me whining “Are we nearly there yet?” in my best five-year old voice.
I’ve never been so happy to see the finish banner.
I actually almost cried.
The organisers gave us a nice round of applause as we finished and kept us a while taking pictures and asking questions.
All I wanted to do was get an ice-pack for my arse.
We had our picture taken with an impossibly cute little girl who we were told had raised £3,000 for charity.
“How much did you raise?” I asked Gareth out of the corner of my mouth.
“I haven’t started collecting yet.” He replied in a similar manner.
“Me neither. Let’s get out of here before they ask us.” I said, smiling, waving and walking backwards.
I dropped of Gareth close to his house and drove home.
Getting in the bath was like a blacksmith putting a hot piece of metal in a bucket of cold water.
I got out like a prune.

And that was pretty much our day.


Brilliant sense of humour as usual Sean. Yeah I met Pete on his way back - T1000 :roll_eyes: yup the Terminator would be a good description in the best possible sense of the word of course. I was really impressed to see a real live Coker rider in the form of Gareth - great opportunity for me interrogate him - and thanks for keeping up with us Gareth :roll_eyes: :wink:

I think you seem to suggest I got left behind with your comment above - but you forgot to say I had a date with a delectable lady at the halfway stage; involving 90 mins of tea and scones that set me up for the return trip.

I enjoyed the return ride and I actually didn’t suffer from any of the malfunctions that you related to :stuck_out_tongue:

Just putting the images on, ‘Ride of the Day’

I was being discreet.

The Avon Valley Railway Company is forever seeking to extend the railway further towards Bath. This is more than a little controversial, because of the impact that the railway has on the character of the path.

For me, the most annoying thing about it would be the effect on my daily commute. I already have to cross the railway twice each way. If it was extended another few hundred yards, I’d have three crossings each way. And those crossings can be a PITA, especially when the trains are running and I have to open gates.

Anyway, someone (and I have some idea of who it might be) has decided that poorly spelt graffiti is a good way to voice his opposition to the plans. I disagree, but it certainly attracts a lot of attention.

Extending the railway depends on AVRC acquiring money, and their Thomas days are a big money spinner, so Thomas is naturally a target.

Just saw the photos in the other thread. Sean, why are you riding that tyre with those cranks and your that seat that high. You did at least pump your tyre up nice and hard? no wonder your but hurt. slap some 100mm cranks and a big apple tyre and raise the saddle and it will be a whole different machine, I normally cruise around about 12mph like that, for miles.

Me no like short cranks.
And the seat is as high as is comfortably possible, on the downstroke my leg is almost fully extended.

Feel free to donate to the Sean/Big Apple fund, I shall expect your cheque in the post very soon?

You get used to the shortness quite quickly, at least get some 125s? they arnt really that short. A cheque? I dont have a cheque book, you would accept a cash donation wouldnt you?

Sean, PM me your address… I think I might be able to help support the Big Apple fund.



Thanks for the ride and the treats. I certainly didn’t mean to offend you when I told you I would have to be having root beer instead of ale. In general I hate to see a grown man cry but some of that doesn’t apply here.