average jump hight?(please reply, would like to hear from everybody)

age has nothing to do with it…ryan atkins is 18 i believe and he has the high hop record(also i believe) of 103 cm over a bar. and kris holm is 32 and i dont think he can do quite that high, and im 17 and i can only do a foot. so age has nothing to do with it…just practice.

It’s got something to do with it, dont tell me there is a four year old that can hop his own height because he practiced since he could walk. its not really a surprise or anything that a younger person can jump higher than and older one of course, but i just kinda figured two feet after not riding for close to a year, and being younger than a lot of people here, I figured that was atleast pretty good.

and yeah flesh eating disease sucked, bad. A friend from out of town came to visit with his unicycle, and normally I am better than him but i couldnt keep up because it had only been a week or two since i was starting to heal. could barely hop up a curb.

I can hyop in the range of 18-19 inches on a really good day, normally around 15-16

you do kno that kris holm is the most famous unicyclist of all time right…and hes an excelent trials unicyclist so yeah it is kinda suprising that someone who hasnt been riding nearly as lond can outdo him.

nobody can hop theyre own hieght on a uni …its physically impossible. and thats to do with hieght , not age…come back when youve done a little research.

Rolling hop - 95cm
Seat in static - 75cm
SiF - 70cm

rolling hop around 80-90 cms sif 4 pallets so I guess 30" ?

4 pallots isnt 30 inches, not unless they are huge pallots. even the thick pallots; four of those are only around 15 to 20 inches .

no thyre the big ones… I just chked they r like 6" each…

like 6 inch exactly or “like six inches”?

Maxisback, lets do some basic math… Ready? 6x4= oh, crap, I need a supercomputer for this one… Twenty-four! If you’re gonna lie, at least make it sound semi plausible.

yeah i’m gonna go with gerblefranklin on this one. but really, i bet you cant even do twentyfour. if your gonna be all lying and saying you can do 30 then like gerblefranklin said, make it plausable.

gerlbe dint u see the “I guess 30?” I was asking because I wasent even sure… so stfu dude…

ooohh k guys ? did u see my picture of the tire grab with is as high as the handrail ? I tink that says enough…and yea sry not 30… 24 THATS FUCKING WHY I PUT THE I GUESS AND THE ?

i’m betting those 4 pallots measure up to about 16 inches, maybe 18. biggest pallots that i’ve seen four of them wouldnt add up to two feet, and definatly not bigger. maybe calming down a bit would be good maxisback. i mean really, this is the internet, who gives a crap if nobody believes how high you can hop?

k well see that in the next vid I make sounds good ? ill even put a mesuring tape next to it… ok ? r u gonna stfu after that ? or u’ll still be a little fag ? r u mad cauz Im owning u ? dude just drop it… I said I guess 30 and it was 24… so cry me a fucking river…

I have plastic pallets that are by my rosaurs down the street, (well its not my rosaurs, and they arnt my pallets either but you know =p) and they are double the size of a regular wooden ones, and i tried to get onto 4 of them but when i hopped i was too close to them and my pedal got stuck between the 3rd one and i toppled over =p

i can hop as high as chuck norris


WOAH buddy maxisback calm the fuck down boy. Just because you suck at unicycling and get angry on a forum and start swearing at poeple doesnt make you “own people.” cause your a faggot boy, you couldnt own anybody. you wanna have a swearing war or whatever? well lets go bitch. you fucking suck at unicycling and your a huge asshole. if i lived in the same place as you i’d beat you with a steel pipe.