Average hop for 12 year old.

age will help determine how quikly you learn and body height will help you determine you high you can get. longer legs= more tuck

well ive been riding for 9 months and just yesterday i hoped sif 38cm high. and im also 4’ 11"

Did you hear that, Terry? You are not a bottle of wine.

a can take 4 but there huge pallets so its like 5.5 regular pallets

thats what i was trying to say before i just couldn’t get it in words

That is true. Your rate of improvement is probably higher when you’re older. But take a look at Loic Bauld (Sp?). I believe he’s only 13 or 14 http://youtube.com/watch?v=PJiaXeSaXto

Nope, didn’t hear it, but I read it!:wink:

And yeah, I’m more like a bottle of diet pepsi! Still got lots of fizz left!:smiley: :sunglasses: :p:)

Hi, yust saw your “Who’s on trials” vid on video google, just wanted to say I realy liked it :smiley:
The link for other people: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8691138199766913673

Well, I always have a tape messure in my unicycling backpack.
Just to know the exact hight if I see something higher then I can hop.
Always want to push my personal record up.

Peter M

Thanks for the plug! It’s also on youtube, which has the most views: