Anybody Ever Try This?!?

Maybe, ill take that chance =p and now, one more day till im flipping off the scaffold

I hope you do film it. Are you sure its 7 foot? Thats HUGE. Good luck, you manly man :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah, its about 6-7foot, cause im 5-11, and the scaffold is talelr than me, but im not excactly sure how taller it is, so its around 6-7 feet =p

Yeah, you have to film this. Film your attempts, not just the finished product(if that happens). I want to see someone attempt it.

I think that the easiest (heh) way to do it would be to start rolling backwards, just because a backflip is easier than a frontflip in terms of shifting weight and what not.

But I don’t think anybody should do it. A backflip on a unicycle will do the same thing for unicycling that the 900 did for skateboarding. Trials is pretty impressive as it is.

my friend Fritz (hes 12 to) can almost do it he always uni @ recces
hes crazy good

hey yall

i attempted it into water … it is super rediculous hard to get the rotation… you would have to lean forward (and throw off your balance) then jump ultra fast/high … when i tried it i kept jumping off the pedals

it was caught on tape, but i havn’t seen it yt… when i do ill post here again and put the link up …anyways … i jumped off a ledge about 2 ft high into fairly shallow water



heres the link to a picture … itll be in my gallery tomorrow or sumthin

what i noticed today, is when your jumping, to point your feet downwards to stay on the pedals, it worked for me, but i didn’t get to land it, cause of a coach came at us and said

“Can you not do that anymore, I just don’t want you to get hurt or break your neck”

My friend Donnie just walks off, while I’m drinking a pop, coach then says

“Did you hear me?”

Donnie “Yeah”

Coach " I’m being polite here, i could call the goddamn cops or some shit like that" during that sentence, you could hear him get really angry

I forgot what Donnie said after that but then we had to leave, so next time i go there its gonna be after 7ish so everyone is gone.

I did manage to get some good photos of my riding, well, i hope they look good, my friends took them so now i gotta get them developed ( I was using an cheap disposable camera i had laying around) so i’m gonna scan those soon and get them up soon =p

i think it’s possible and i thought about it!

dude… i’ve given a lot of brain in this question…
falling in your head… not cool.
anyway… i guess that doing it in a trampoline for starters would give you the feeling…
its possible…
just need some safety.
i’ll do it someday…
for you dude.
see ya.

also wear a helmet :slight_smile:

well of course, but doing it into water … i don’t think you need one esp if its deep and you have some way of knowing that youre not going to hit the side … but anyways i think that if we jump off balance (too far forewards) that the frontflip spin will be natural and our feet will not come off the pedals


I noticed that it does work like that, but from what i was jumping off of, to the mat, and having the mat as far away as it was, i just didint want to take the risk of falling head first between the mat and the scaffold, Splat! right onto the pavement with my head! lol

After moving the mat closer it was a lot easier cause i didnt have to focus getting the distance, but even with the limited time of practice i got in, i was able to land on my back and slightly on the wheel then falling backwards =p

My non-unicyclist friand was trying to tell me to try a flip today, but I was thinking about it and it seems like it would be easier to do a backflip and a frontflip, because you could get more leverage, and you would have to do it sif. That’s pretty insane that you almost got it, jerrick and skroboskim.

lol umm for some reason i don’t believe this, but thats just me … being a smaller person would only make it harder

hey guys my name is henry(frind of kaycee and brian) and over the winter i tryed doing a front flip of the edge of my deck… i got so i could rotate enough so my tire would hit the ground before my ass… but i think that if i had done it aff a bigger drop i could land it…maybe…haha
oh and i did it seat in if any one cares



Well no ones actually said about using a smaller unicycle :stuck_out_tongue: Use a 12" which is lighter and smaller then you can do it easyier…

i thought about that, but i don’t have access to one … and im afraid it would bend it :sunglasses:

Im sticking to my beast, and by beast, i mean my Torker DX '06

lol I think i am too but mines an '05