Annoying idiots on skateboards ....

I have been heckled by skaters only once, but I tend to just crack jokes if people give me grief, it always turns the situation round.

I shouted, ‘shit, at least I’m not a roller blader!’

Did the job…

I have had two random ones recently though-

Some kid asked me if I was really riding it? As I rode past. Odd.

On Sunday I was in my local park and some old dear asked me what I was riding- she said ‘Is that a unicorn?’

I said ‘nope, you definitely wouldn’t want to sit on one of them’

At which point her decrepid husband laughed and made ice cream come out of his nose.

It was rather horrible.

same aye, except i get that one heaps. people sure can be original.

yea I dont like clowns, no offence to some of you guys out there. I know some really cool skaters, but the other jerks who cant skate talk big and bad about you.

Lol… Nice…

My old friends are skaters. They always ripped on my abilities. (I could only do an ollie of about 3 inches) So I decided to try something different. They think its stupid. Rofl… I get the constant remarks from smaller children, I dont mind that so much, its the comments from the parents.

“Look at the silly bike!” its not a bike you idiot…

“how hard is that? is it hard? can i try? can i can i? blah blah blah…”

actually at one point I had some college students video tape me, didnt mind that rofl.

(continued from the ideas)

“you make it look easy! wacks self in back of legs with spiked peddle ooowww!!!”

or how bout the classic, “hey Graham, let me try! (of course I let them) they attempt to get on uni peddle slams into their shin Ooow!! o.O that hurt! no wait leme try again!”

some builder guy goes to me: “Hey I bet you couldn’t ride two of them at the same time could ya?” I was like- “Probably not.” In hindsight, I should have said something like “only if I had two butts” or Could you ride two bikes?" or even “I can”!

actually, if you can side ride(level 10 skill) riding 2 unicycles at once is probably actually quite easy…really confusing if you have different wheel sizes, though!!:smiley: :smiley:

Careful with that; I (and I’m sure at least a few others) have had days of practicing like that. Of course it’s beyond his skill, or he wouldn’t have to practice for it!

I actually have yet to get a negative comment about it. Everyone at school that knows responded in a positive or neutral-but-surprised manner.

you are very lucky, my friend…

Youre smart :slight_smile:

The most we get in wycombe is the good old, “wheres the other wheel”

everyone seems to think there original with that one,

best reply EVER to that has to be “left it at your mums house”

but after that i normally get chased down by chavs :angry:

and when i get pretty good at street i’ll just cruise by the skaters/BMX’s near the church in my town, bust out a slick 360 and leave, thatll show them punks with there 4 wheels.

Sure, I get that–I’ve done it, too. For lots of skills I want to acquire, I try to do the thing itself first (usually impossible or I chicken out), then I try to figure out what I have to be able to do first in order to do the desired skill. I work my way up to it that way. But that’s not what I see in the posers.

I’m talking about people who can’t even, for instance, carve a bowl or land a simple ollie repeatedly trying to do some big board-flipping varial so that they look like they’re better than they are. I don’t disapprove of their attempts or anything, just the attitude they often display. I think if they worried less about appearing to be better than they actually are, they’d have a lot more fun and probably improve a lot faster. But I’m an old-timer to them, and so don’t have to give a crap what they think about me; they’re not my friends or peers. I wish they didn’t have to pretend to be something else, especially when their pretending is taken out on others who do things different than they do.

This is probably why young male non-riders seem to throw more insults toward young male unicyclists than any other unicyclist. Of course there is the dominant male thing especially in front of females, but more than that it is peer related. They know that for most of us old timers a negative comment doesn’t sting or warrant any reaction … we don’t need to be accepted so their “rejection” is nothing to us anyway.

I think a lot of our negative rather than supportive nature is becoming more and more imbedded in our culture and thinking. Its a shame too.

I once power jumped my coker onto some idiot skatebaord and snapped it in 1/2. Cause he said my little cousin 12" unicycle (he was practicing at the time) was shit and weak as. :angry: So i went a fair distance, came back with ferocious speed and jumped right onto it. Good thing, my friends were there also cause they did it too on their unicycles and MTB’s. :smiley:

But if i were you, i’d ignore it all together and ride on. :smiley:

WHOA DUDE!!! :astonished: :astonished: :astonished:

Just think to yourself unicycling takes more skill than Skateboarding, bike riding and inline so we are really the pros or kings of them all. Usually ppl tease you because there pissed off that they cant do it so they tease you to make them look better when really your better and they look like a dickhead not you.
Just think that and you will be fine.

Really everyone hates everyone.
Skaters hate Inliners and Bike Riders.
Inliners hate bikers and Skaters.
Bikers hate Skaters and Inliners and hate us coz they wish they could ride with one wheel but cant coz there not skilled enough.
Then it comes to us, we think there all try hards and posers and leave us alone just coz where different.

By Brendon.v

But, the thats the thing, skateboarding and all that IS a lot easier than unicycling, and its the worst thing in the world when you try to impress someone, even when someone says “can you ride that?” and you choke under pressure and fall/loose balance. I just ignore people now.:o

i was a victim of a random airsoft gun shootout, instead of falling to the ground screaming like a ***** i just stared at them thinkin, “what a**holes!”. and on many occasions, people cuss me out… it dont bother me wat people say to me, they can say all they want and it wont hurt me, wrds dont hurt, a shotgun will, but wrds, no…

todays quotes from idiots on skateboards:

****** on a unicycle!!***** on a unicycle!!!
(guy on bike)hey, is that all you can do?? can you do this??!!(hops into a wheelie and does a crankflip, then goes back down to norm riding, almost killing himself in the process) Me-“any idiot can do a crankflip!!!”

then these kids calling me “popeye” and asking me if i **** ***** for *****

and if i move my********* out of the way before hopping(non-male noun)

and if i want to***** ***** and then this one kid mooned me…

another kid threw his skateboard at my wheel(i hoppped over it) then swore as he had to go get it out of a ditch…

this went on for the duration of my practice run at the skatepark!!!

wow…people are really mean where you ride…pretty sure i would flip out if people were like that to me