All about grinds.

that helps but the someone said- when should i grind on the cranks? (not you) someone replied “never” so wtf

removable pins?

im guessing you have pins in for grip like doing unispins and cranks and stuff but when grinding do u take them out? for example when grinding with aluminium “DX Alloy pedals” you would take the pins out when grinding wouldnt u?

You people are getting mixed up with what a hand rail is. We mean a hand rail as in high railings you put your hands on. Not something low that u can easily step over. (No offense to Shaun, that was a nice grind).

And are you kidding me?!?!?! Being the one to put the first scratches on a clean rail is the best feeling in the world :smiley:

Not all pedals have removable pins, I suggest you just sand down one side of your pedal and use that side and that side ONLY for grinding.

If the pedals your describing have removable pins, yes take them out for grinding.

grinds i can do

50-50, 5-0, Salad, Smith, Feeble, Nose, Crook, Overcrook and hurracain

oh wait on a unicycle :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah too blury, I cant even tell what the thing is.

i’ve seen dan’s (cowling) hammers list and theres a crank flip out of a hand rail on it… so i wouldnt be suprised if its in his next part.

ive also seen him crank flip out of a tall flat bar, it was a shopping trolley/kart bay.

somebody tell me what that thing is of Emiles crap photo.


Edit: Im guessing its a handrail, but Emile will not tell me.

The only thing difficult about flipping into a handrail over anyother park rail is the width of the rail. The park rail in germany was the size of a normal handrail, however I don’t have that kind of hype around here to flip into that narrow again. At least not with this weather and lack of hype. Plus there aren’t any good rails around here. I reckon any 4 or 5 would be cake, first try, if there was a decent run up before it. Sixes and sevens would be more of a mental game. I’ll flip into one soon here but the weather just slaughters any chance of me getting out to any decent place, rather than just around here.

-Shaun Johanneson

4, 5, 6, 7, their all the same. But yes mentally it would be challenging.

I’ve got the perfect 4 for this. Its so thick you might aswell call it a “hand pipe” insted of a “hand rail”.

In this situation you grind with your face.

face grinds are no good, unless your going for that…

anyone here grind back foot? if so, any of you back footed grinders hit any crank flips to round rails yet? im finding it much harder to catch the cranks and line it up with the rail, its easy on ledges though. But pin-poniting that rail for your pedal is a biatch!

Yep I know… I’m back foot. I’m thinking about going front foot for the soul purpose of flipping onto hand rails haha.

Maybe we’ll just have to backflip on.

I grind back foot and have flipped to round rails on both sides, blind and normal. I have never really tried flipping to flat rails other than a flat one at Wunschkonzert. Just takes a little practice to get the feel for it.



I grind boxes, on the pedal…Is that strange?


There is less surface area when grinding with just a pedal, so its smoother, specially when sometimes you can hit a ledge with your bearing holder, crank, and pedal all in contact.

Im more stable on my crank, but pedal is what I go for with any grind. It just takes practice and precision.

Everyone should post their grinds

Mine: 1 footy’s-steezy as hell 1 footy’s too (prob the best), switcharoo’s-doubles and singles including switchbacks, Wraparounds- singles and uh sketch doubles, wraparound w/ switcharoos, cowboy grinds, kick-ups, tire grabs (which I never see people do for some reason), a few other dinky ones we make up that don’t take too much skill and I can’t describe so yeah.

I haven’t hit a handrail yet, I need more up’s. Other than that I find grinding to be very easy and one of the coolest things you can do on a uni. So come on broski’s, post them grinds

Not really sure what a switcharoo is. Cowboy? kick up grind? wraparound grind? Wtf?

No, sorry. Skate rails.