
Re: age

On Tue, 22 Jun 2004 22:50:23 -0500, “tennisgh22” wrote:

>16, riding for 12

Is that both in years?

Klaas Bil - Newsgroup Addict

I was right when I made the mistake. - doofe

I’ll be 60 in August. Started riding last fall. You have to grow old, but you never have to grow up. :slight_smile:

15 and have been living the unicycle life for 1 and a 1/2 years and loving/loved every minute of it :slight_smile:

:wink: I was born over 70 years ago, but I am realy a recycled teenager. Now that I am retired I have time for this kind of goings on. Been learning for 2 1/2 months. I semifreemount and ride to the other end of the basement. I canot make a U turn to go back. I ahve to PD and start over. :smiley:

Happy Birthday!!!

16, riding for under 3 months.

Now age 51. I started riding in April 2003.

A tip of my hat to you old guys (older than me) who just started. I thought I was ancient to be starting this sport.

I have 4 unicycles and ride 3 or 4 times per week.

I’m 30 (until July 15th) and I have been riding for about 18 months

Thanks Kenny. I’m celebrating by finally learning to walk the wheel. Hope you hand feels better.

I’m fifteen, I’ve been riding nearly four years (since August 2000).

in october I will turn 56 with 2 years of unicyling
(but still a novice: can’t ride backwards, idle for long, or hop -
I am a slow learner so plenty of things to learn until I turn 100 ;))


Another happy birtyday to Sockmonster!

July 1 is also my anniversary (4 years!). My wedding included a show with two unicycle acts:

  1. MUni Mania, a collage of MUni featuring Bruce Bundy, Brett Bymaster, Geoff Faraghan, Tim Bustos, Nathan and Beau Hoover, John and Woody Hooten, and Andy Jennings. Hope I didn’t leave anyone out!
  2. Me, on a Freestyle uni, handlebar uni, 12" wheel, 45" wheel, giraffe and maybe B.C. wheel. The stage wasn’t big enough for the artistic bike.

BTW for those that care, my “proper” learning to ride started on Halloween night, 1979 when I finally got up the courage to ride Bradley Bradley’s Schwinn Giraffe away from the trunk of a friend’s car. I only went about 3’ (after at least 5 minutes of hesitation). But that was enough. A few days later I completed my basic learning process in a 45 minute period. A week after that we headed off on a 10 mile round trip ride, and did an amazing amount of damage to our crotches!

I do not remember the dates of my original learning to ride. I’m not even positive it was 1976. I just know it was a period of 2-3 months, and was very frustrating in the beginning. Try learning on a Troxel with no instruction!