9 and 10 stair competition

Maybe… But would be hard to roll out of. I can imagine not rolling out and breaking something very easily.

Yeah I know. I tried a 7 foot drop off of a tractor onto the sand at the beach. Can’t roll out when you instantly sink 5" on impact! :astonished: But it was definitely a soft landing compared to landing on flat concrete from almost that high! (See my avatar!)

Everything in my area (that I know of) jumps right from 8 to 12 (and the 12 has only about 2 revs runway).

Oh wait, what am I talking about. The North Bend Skatepark has a 9 set. If I have a chance I’ll film that.

(my biggest so far was 8, easy)

well i’ll give it a go but finding a 9 or 10 set will be hard
actually i’ve side hopped an 8 set in a stair well once and that was a while ago
ok i’ll try side hopping 9 or 10 in a stair well
i’ll keep u posted on my progress:)

Ah, just wait until round 2. Big street will make a comeback.


Would it be unwise to hop a 10 stair with plastic pedals?

And I just did a 14 set on my plastic spoked jugglebug and it held up perfectly! It’s all in the technique I guess lol! :roll_eyes: :p;)


Flipped a 9 with em and it was fine. Odysseys that is.


yes, of course. Twisted PCs FTW!

i do not suggest doing a big set on any pedals you can move your feet around on when you have pressure on them… thats the best way to seriously injure yourself doing a big set.

Yea, I agree with that. I can easily see someone popping a boluck or something. If your front foot slips, you land on your back foot and your body folds, your balls will be bouncing around the place before you know it :frowning:

i see more of a problem with your back foot slipping.

so who’s going to win?

Not me. With petrol prices rising, I don’t think I’ll be leaving home at all these days.

Dude, Id be so stoked to be on a little farm like you got. But yea… that pavement can be calling sometimes.

i’d love too…but i dont live close to any…so i have to get it when i can


I’ll be riding at the 11 this week-end, and I know I’ll hit it. :slight_smile:

well it wasn’t a 9, but i rode on a new six today, and i landed at lest 3 steps distance past the last step quite easily, that gives my hope for next time i get to go to the 9!

There was a great 10 at this church I was at tuning today, but the steps are about 2" longer than normal and higher too! So it’s more like a regular 11 or 12. Just standing at the top looking down is pretty scary when you think of side hopping all that way and clearing them all! :astonished: