***75cm High Jump Competition***

oh snap. I didnt realize that this is not static only.

i’m in. hit 71 the other day and i’ll have 75 with some practice.

YEah, it would, and I’m only about 5cm off picnic table height :P. But I hardly seem to make any progress at highjump whether I practise or not. I’d rather be practising flp tricks or somethign anyway.

untill you need to jump a big stair set or grind a high rail

Stair set is distance. But yeah, that’s true. Handrails are the main thing in street where you need to be able to jump high. But if you can jump far enough you don’t need to be able to jump high to grind a handrail :stuck_out_tongue:

Here is a video.

Nope I didn’t land it. Just figured I might as well do something with the footage anyway. I started off with a rolling hop. I KNOW I could have gotten it that way, but my pedal was loosening up from setting up and rolling backwards, and I didn’t want to have to take my cam inside and re-set it up after getting a wrench.

The video has a clip from each technique I tried. Rolling, SIF no prehop, and SIF with prehop.

Anyway. I thought the video came out pretty neat and I hope it helps motivate some others to go and and nail the 75cm. I will have it soon.

Ohhh. You got so close on the prehop.

I got 67 cm the other day. I’m getting close.

I’m still trying aswell. I got 66, I just need to find something that’s 75 to try jumping onto…

Yeah man, I need another pallet.

its cold,rainy, and snowy here and i hurt my foot so sorry i wish i could try!!

Cool video i really like the quality.I think you could get 75 easily sif prehop you just need to extend your body for longer before tucking to gte the height

74 cm. :smiley:

It rained for the past week here. And now wrestling season starts monday. I would ride tomorrow, but I have my football banquet. When i come home from wrestling practice it will be dark. I will have no time at all to work on my sidehops…:frowning:

O man, cool thread, I’m going riding tomorrow, and I’m sure I will hit it. I’ve done 74 before, and last weekend I felt like I was jumping higher.

Rolling over the Bar!

Ahhhh, if I were to have a nice day, I would go try. Lately the weather has been really terrible. I’m at 72cm and I think I could maybe hit 75cm :slight_smile:


wow nice video sam, i love the quality of your camera and editing. even though you didnt land it :P. my pb is 74.5 over a bar i reckon i could get onto 75 if it was a solid platform.

Got it.


This is the best one I got on film. Landed it two other times where I didn’t just hop off right away.

29 5/8" = 75.2mm

The tape is hard to see on youtube. Might be easier to see here.

29 5-8 inches.jpg

Why didnt you film the measuring tape against the pallets and show and put the camera closer to the tape ? i have no doubts about you doing it but it just seems weird.Congratulations anyway :smiley:

Congrats. I havent practiced highjump recently, I broke my seat post, using a bike seat.

Well He had his pallets stacked on a double ledge thing. he had to bring the tape measure out to measure it all in one.

Ummmm. You said mm instead of cm in your post and the video. Congratulations, though!