360 unispin comp

is the competition finished or can i try it too…?

No it’s not finished, there’s still the second and third place.

ok, i try it today

Kekeke, thought i’d better claim second place.


Awsome unispin yous make it look easy. :slight_smile:

Im still trying to get a 180 unispin.

Hehe, once you land it it feels so simple it’s weird.

If you want to learn a 180, try doing a no-footer, then a no-footer whilst spinning the uni. When I do them it’s exactly the same as that, but some people learning 180s don’t do the same movement.

Yeah that probably didn’t make sense haha.

I hope this isn’t too late…


Third place! Yay!

It’s funny because when I entered this competion, I couldn’t even 180 unispin:o

Just for newer people who might be reading this thread, let it be clear that you should learn no footers from SIF (seat in front). Then try adding a spin over time.

Learning no footers from SI (Seat in) did nothing for my progress with 180 unispins.

How do I get the trophy into my signature? It says there are too many characters. :thinking:

congratulations :slight_smile:

Damn, I wish this was later and I would start to try and learn them I got the 180 down about a week ago. How long does it take to get the 360? if I practice heaps. :slight_smile:

It took me a little over a month to go from 180 to 360, but the first day I tried and actually commited (the whole key to getting them), I did it in 5 minutes:D