2015 KHU lineup is here...

I am waiting for my 20" and a 26"!!!

Hopefully will arrive this week!!!

So excited.

HiyaChickenfeet :smiley:
Congratulations! I’d be exited too !
(Don’t forget we like pics on this forum) :slight_smile:

I’m glad someone brought this up…has anyone actually purchased/riden the new 29" yet? I was interested in getting it mainly for road riding, but I also have similar reservations because of the tire.

If its purely for road riding. Im not sure how long it will last. The treads are really soft, grippy but I doubt durable for the road. Probably good for hard pack trails.

My original comment wasn’t really concerning the thread, it’s the actual size and volume. I can’t imagine a tyre that large pumping up hard enough to actually use on-road primarily.

I’ve never used a 29+ tyre before, but even my 2.2" feels far too sloppy when I let some air out. Maybe that’s just me being used to hard tyres on my road bikes though :smiley:

There’s a thread specifically about that tire:

What would you recommend for a road tire/road uni?

Beats me! I ride everything on the Duro and lovin it:D:D

Actually I love everything I ride, including my favorite Coker tire on the Nightrider, but if I had a Todd tire I might like it even more
…choices…oh never ending choices…:wink:

I use a Halo Twin Rail on my 29er, but lots of people seem to like the 2.1" Schwalbe Big Apple. There are a fair few tyre choices for 29ers now! "Official" 29er Tire Reviews Thread

It’s true. It’s amazing how nice this tire is on pavement. It corners really smoothly with none of the grabby feeling or self-steering that is common with larger volume tires.
That said, for truly long distance touring I’d recommend a 36er =).

The only difference is the cover. It contains a new embossed pattern and the width of the velcro holding the removable cover in place (sandwiched under the seatpost plate) has been increased to better hold the cover.

New cover looks sweet.

Yes it does.

It’s also sweet to have a niche sport where we can ask manufacturers and questions and actually get responses. :slight_smile:

I know huh?
It’d be sweeter if we can be their product guinea pigs
Send them out, willing to donate ass and sit X amount of hours on their saddles all for a good cause

I’ll sign up to be a guinea pig, too.

Don’t know if this has been asked before, but…
Any idea of when they’ll be available in Europe?
I mean the complete unis, not just the frame.

They’re already available on municycle.com

same for Unicycle.co.uk, just available now !

Yeah, my fault.
It’s only the 26 that’s not available.

…But it’s the one I would get.

And just for the brag, here what someone say here in Italy about 2015 KH new parts:


"To me the real news is the hub that it’s just like the old one but chromed

The moment hub provided more problems that satisfaction.

The new frame saves one weld and probably costs less to be produced, if it’s more robust is yet to be verified."