'06 Leeds Uni Trip (city write-up)

'06 Leeds Uni Trip

After a late night of rushed organisation a friend and me decided to pleasure our unicycles with a visit to Leeds UK.

After setting off on the train at 9:50 our 1 hour journey was particularly eventful. By coincidence the day which we picked to go was the very day that Leeds was playing Barnsley in a football match so of course, the train was occupied with legions of drinking, swearing, singing fans. Although intimidating, it was all in good nature and I definitely learnt to appreciate the troops of police.

Aside from an exhilarating journey the city itself is a very strange place. Throughout the day we came to around only 3 spots very suitable for trials and street riding but where we did find was very good. Immediately outside the station we came to a small concrete park, great for warming up in, plenty of low walls. As well as this we came to a fantastic area outside an art gallery and cathedral. Though suited towards more intermediate riders there was a great amount of more traditional obstacles to experiment with –not to mention the abundance of stone floor for you flatland nuts.

I was a little suprised with the cities almost suspicious atmosphere (that’s all subjective though so don’t pay much heed to it). I know Sheffield (my hometown) has a slightly sub-culture skew but we did meet quite a lot more hostility than normal. One time riding through a high street some “Youf” attempted to push my friend off his unicycle, not very impressive. Perhaps it was my bright green shoelaces. Contrastingly, we talked to a quite a few trials bikers and they were always, at least, mildly intrigued and friendly. We even met 2 unicyclists, one who is interested in Muni and hockey and another into street. I’ll try and not let funny looks and a few jeering sway me too much.

It was our first out-of-town trip, hopefully one of many, and was a definite adventure; leaving two very tired teenagers at the end of the day.

On a final note, in Leeds we saw whole schools of trial bikers and free-runners dotted around the place. To make up for this there were almost no skaters or BMXers. I don’t know how informed I am, but this is completely opposite to wherever I’ve been to!

We’re planning for our next trip to be to Manchester UK. It’d be great to see some new faces and some old ones there.


It wasn’t a negative experience but the city seems to lack vibrancy and there aren’t to many places to ride, the city centre would probably be good for a few hours but not for an all day all night jam (unless you really know ur way around).

[SIZE=2]PS. Can you increase the image limit in posts Gilby?

Apparently no-one cares about how good Leeds is for unicycling…

You’ll be sorry when you’re wondering where to go on a trip ;).


Hey Andy, that sounds good!

What you doing, just going for rides in different towns?

I’m up in Newcastle, bout an hour n half from Manchester… Let me know when your going, maybe I could make it…

Anyone fancy organsing some sort of UrbanTrials Day? I’d be up for it, not in London though… same idea though??? :slight_smile:


North Tour

Hey Joe

There’s a shortage of events up north. We’ve got the BUC once a year but there’s nothing informal going on. I’ve been talking to a few people about trials/street trips up north for a while and everyone I’ve talked to has been really really enthusiastic. When the weather to gets a bit more reliable (feburary/march and the summer) we’re gonna do our tour of the North.

Looks like the next stop on the tour’s going to be Manchester.

It would be really cool to get a load of people down there for a few days in the holidays (I don’t know how good it is for riding). I’ll keep the forum informed so keep ur ear to the …website. I’ll give you an email closer to the time anyway.

Do you know how many people there would be interested in UrbanTrials meets up north?


PS. We’re been considering going down to London for a few days in the holidays, staying in hostels. Keep listening to that next year about that.

PS. Maybe even book a skatepark!

Count me in :slight_smile:

I suspect there would be quite a few takers for a Northern UrbanTrials meet.

Had you planned a little and let anyone know you were coming you could have had some local knowledge. There are plenty of good parks and places, especially around the university, that would be great for urban trials that you probably didn’t get to.

It’s also a bit dissapointing that you judge a place from one dreary Saturday afternoon in the city centre. Leeds is a great, vibrant and very friendly place, if you ever come here again let me know.

Andy (Leeds, UK)

I think you’re right Andy. We did go out on a limb (?) hoping to find some good places so no doubt planning would have been majorly benificial. I’ll make sure I contact someone who lives in Leeds, or anywhere, before I go next time.

As for judging the people: I can’t say that I had a very positive experience with them on the whole, but I suppose that responses depend a lot on where you go. Next time I go somewhere I’ll definately do my best to keep an open mind and I henceforth disregard every prejudice I held towards Leeds :).

Who else’s up for Manchester?

How about Newcastle? :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll be willing to organise a Northern UrbanTrials Day… and when I say Northern I mean northern… maybe pay DarkTom a visit :smiley:

But really, possible cities could include Newcastle, York, Sheffield, Liverpool, Leeds (you have covered) and Manchester for Trials.

Im not sure if anyone would be interested in Muni Days too? There are great rides in Cumbria…

Basicly, the best way to do this is nominate your City, give us a date, and see how many people can make it… we could make this a monthly/bi-monthly event? It would deffinatly work better if there is someone who knows the area.

If we get a date, I’ll try and get Roger to stick it on the UCD Calender too…

I’m rather enthusiastic about this guys! :slight_smile:


Yes, yes and yes. There are some great rides around Macclesfield forest, Rivington Pike or further afield in LLandegla, Wales etc to name a few.

I’d be up for coming along to a trials meet.

I’d like to do some more MUni too (although I’m hopeless - I find it really difficult to do on my own).

It’d be great to have some regular northern meets! Muni and trials. If anyone fancies some Muni in Macclesfield forest I’m going to be up there on the 17th Dec.

A trials session in Manchester would be great too. So long as I have a weeks notice I can get the time off work and get myself to any of the cities mentioned by Joe.

Newcastle’d be good too. I’ve needed a boot up the bum to get up there and visit Mr Tolliday and another non uni-ing friend for a while.

Bring on the northern exposure!

Projekt MCR (Skatepark) in Manchester

Info on a Cool looking skate park in Manchester

I was looking for places to unicycle in manchester a while ago and I stumbled upon a government funded skatepark called Projekt MCR. It seems like a really cool, friendly place -they want to
“provide a positive sense of community through the way we act, speak and interact with everyone who comes through our doors.”

Anyway, the skatepark seems really awsome (you can have a good look at it in the video in the Parksection).

I’ve given them an email asking them how they feel about 10-30 unicyclist coming to the park for the day/weekend as I’ve been refused entry to parks that don’t allow BMXs. I took the liberty of explaining that unicycles aren’t like BMXs too.

Until we get a reply… Have a look at the park, get syked, post that ur interested and away further news!


try my hometown warrington vicktoria skate park knutsfordroad its a big park and there are pleanty to do for all levels.
also the town is well good for uni because thay are streets for pedestrians only and pleant of stairs slopes drops and flatland.
its fun:D :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Hey Joe, great idea mate, not surprised it was you behind it either! I’m abit further up north but I’m more than willing to come down to newcastle for a Trials/Street day. If you need any help with it just drop me a line and I’ll do what I can within my power.
Anyway, just posting to support the idea and put abit of weight behind it, hope whoever can take part, will take part!!!


Man, this is looking good!

My style of organising things is basicly last minute, so we need a good way of making sure this isnt! We want as many people to know where coming! And as many people to make it as possible. Obv sometimes there will be fewer in attendance than other times, but as long as everyone who does make it has fun, and maybe improves or is inspired, it will be worth while!

so any ideas on how we can make it work? would a website be usefull, or should we just keep it on RSU - you can stay subscribed to the thread and shouldnt miss anything!?

Ill see what I’m doing on the 17th mate. I know im ment to be out (drinking) on the 16th for abit of a Christmas party, but if Matt would be able to make it, we’ll come down (sharing petrol money!) :smiley:

Yes, I believe Mr Tolliday would like a visit haha. Bring Pete too, it was great to see him (although i didnt recognise him at first!) at DUC Hockey.
Matt and I were ment to go for a Coker ride last night… but it was pissing it down! :frowning: better luck this sunday!

All input is more than welcome!


PS- We need to give it a name. The funnier the better really… idealy initials…

I’d say starting a new thread would be a start cos people could be forgiven for thinking that this is a thread about a Leeds Uni Trip. :smiley:

GREAT IDEA! Keep them coming! :stuck_out_tongue:

new thread starting up any time… now

Northern Unicycle Trials Sessions!

NUTS! love it :stuck_out_tongue: