Uni Tatoos - share your pics or favorite Avatars

I’ve been on one wheel 48 years minus my first ten and am finally getting around to considering a unicycle or uni-related tat. Probably on my calf or ankle. At the least it will give me something to point at when asked where my other wheel went.

And I’m no artist, but I’ve seen a few Avatars in this community that make me think there’s a few out there… uniShark and steveyo come to mind, although I think that steveyo has been copied more than once.

Would love to see this thread come alive with your favorite uni-related avatars and tattoos. If I want to use anything that I see I’ll ask your permission first, and once I get my tat I’ll post it back here also.

And please no hazing from those who have more time here than I… (yes I did first search and find other tatoo threads before posting this) I would love to hear some fresh ideas and reawaken the tatoo thread in a wholly self-serving way… after all, isn’t a tatoo a narcissistic act? Looking forward to hearing what comes of this!


!!! aren’t your legs tired yet!?

As a tattooed person and someone who has been unicycling for over a third of my life, I too have considered a unicycling tattoo.

Like all tattoos, your unicycling tattoo should be personal to you, perhaps take into consideration the style of unicycling you prefer, a club or team you might be part of or a combination of designs which incorporates unicycling with another passion in your life.

The only material I could give you is the logo that my unicycling team use, Voodoo Unicycles. It was designed with tattooing in mind. Hopefully it will give you a bit of inspiration.


I look forward to what other people have to contribute.


Well I dont have mine yet, but im hopefully gonna splurge on it in the next month in which case I will try to get a picture of it up pretty quick. Im using a skeleton from a tarot card who already looks like he is dancing(I think a cool position for the unicycle rider) and Im putting him on the unicycle, he is going to have a crown of roses on his head too, im a big dead fan and want to incorporate that into the tattoo as well. All I need is to figure out how I want to do the unicycle, as well as I have to find the tattoo artist I want to do this. Im also thinking Im gonna put it on my calf… Now I really want to get it just so I can post it on here :slight_smile:

Mine’s faded somewhat since I had it done about 2 years ago.


Centurions tattoos, just before the start of Ride The Lobster. David Stone’s Statue of Liberty, and my Uni-Cyclone.

I think David’s Lady Liberty got her socks from Jim Sowers…

You should really talk to your tattoo artist first and have them come up with a design that suits their style and your ideas.

Bring pictures and drawings that you like but leave the rest up to them.

Having said that here is one I have drawn up.

You should know LobbyBopster as he has this one ^^^ already!

good luck

Great picture man!

Amen to that! A tattoo is something you’re going to want to get right the first time. Rest assured, if it has a unicycle in it you won’t find it in one of the art books at the tattoo place. Make sure you have a design that you like, and also that will work well in tattoo ink.

I had a Uni-Cyclone design for my tattoo, but it was black only, and too many small “cyclone” lines, so I let the tattoo artist use his own artistic talents to make it colorful and workable. The end result looks something like the Michelin Man and the Jamba Juice logo. Yes, I like it, but it would have been different if I’d been more prepared at the time…

Too funny… why yes, they are!

Niice Terry!

Thank-you so much for sharing the pic!

Love that!!

Thanks for the advice John. I’m going to take my time and have a completed rendering before even thinking about a needle! :slight_smile:

BUMP… Any other takers in the “show your unicycle tatoos” thread?

I have a tattoo idea…its not unicycle related though, and i havent finished drawing it up yet. i can post pics later if you guys still want. I haven’t been able to come up with a uni tattoo idea i like yet…

Hey Terry, I haven’t gotten those royalty checks for my design of that Kokopelli Uni tattoo. Just sayin’.

To the OP:

Another of my designs, which you have my permission to use, should you so opt, since I’m not moving toward another tattoo)…

FastUni.bmp (598 KB)

Nicely done SteveyO! May use a variation of that (looks like a speed-racer version of the Unicyclist.com logo at the top left of the screen!)

In the Skin

Thanks Bondo,
Looks better in person!


I don’t have any uni tattoos yet, either. However, the website’s icon would be a good tattoo for me. I’d like to know who has the rights to it so I can see if maybe I can use it. Anyone know?