Yard Sale Heaven

You know your day is going good when you happen to drive by a yard sale with 2 Miyata Flamingos in pretty decent condition, each for $15. One has a blue sparkle frame, the other has a blue rim. Just felt like bragging :slight_smile: yay :smiley:

nice work!


That IS a good day!

I have NEVER seen a unicycle at a yard sale :frowning:

I’m sure in some areas of the world it might be a little more common, but definitely not in Maine. Turns out the guy has like 18 of them and he’s actually a pretty well known performance artist. It was a community type yard sale, and he said he would do it again next year. boo-ya indeed :wink:

I found two Cycle Pro cottered uni’s at two different garge sales around 1990. I’ve been skunked ever since.

I used them for trainers/loaners for years. One is currently a handlebar uni. The other has been upgraded to a Torker wheelset and a Viscount saddle and is operating as my freestyle until I get a real (nice) freestyle.

Great find.

sounds cool i would like to see pics though

Here’s the whole family. The two blue ones are the new editions.

the collection (sm).jpg

i’ve had a dream for a while that i’d turn up to a yard sale or car boot sale and find a really nice uni(expensive) and get it for a few quid (£). oh the joy that would follow.

probably never happen though :angry: well done on finding those though;)


nice one

good find just saw the pics