im not picky about the brand as long as i can get it for under 250 with shipping included
y not get a torker dx from ebay? thats should be in and around your rpice.
nice typo
i dont realy want to buy a torker cus i broke my lx in 3 months and ive been uniing as long so i dont realy trust torkers not to break
I’ve got this.
I’ll take $300 including shipping without the seat and seatpost.
ill give you 200 for the wheelset and the pedals
make that 170 usd
and tire
i have a 24" hookworm tire, double wide rim, kh/onza hub and cranks ( just put new cranks on it) no pedals, viscount saddle and a custom steel 22.2mm seat post with a 24 by 2.5 bedford flat crown frame that id let go for $250 canadian.
you pay ship.
let me know
justin kohse
The LX isn’t really that strong, it’s square taper’d hub. Any square taper hub is not very strong. The DX is splined and much stronger.