Would you rather... (game)

This is a game of what would you rather do.

The rules:

Answer the previous post and then post two new choices for the next person.

I’ll start:

Would you rather:

A) Have your head painted like a soccer ball and then be buried up to your neck in a soccer stadium or …

B) bite down hard on a rough file and have it yanked out out of your teeth?

I would rather have “A”

Would you rather…

eat a live foot long millipede?
eat a human foot?

The foot, cause I could cook it.

Would you rather get caught practicing level 10.5 or level 11?

Level 11.

Would you rather eat a stapler or eat a speaker? Assuming similar size.

A Speaker

Would you rather have a glass rod inserted into your urethra and smacked with a hammer or have a tabasco enema?

Definitely the tabasco… the whole glass splinters in the penis thing is way to crazy for me

Would you rather fall off a cliff and hit every rock on the way down, or get gored by a moose?

moose baby…at least i got a chance to get away…lol

would you rather get a screw driver in the eye


have a hand cut off

I’d go with a screwdriver in the eye, at least then you can dress up like a pirate

Would you rather attempt to rob a bank or try to escape from jail?

escape from jail (you’re going to jail if you rob a bank)

now…for something positive!!
would you rather own a castle
an Airbus A380?

Rob a bank. At least I am not in the poke already. I have a friend who got shot trying to escape and lost a pinkie! (TRUE)

Would you rather ride a standard LBS 20" Sun unicycle in a national competition or fall into a pit of used syringes?


would you rather
get your teeth filed down to the gum
die from papercuts?

die from papercuts…

would you rather be electrocuted


be hit by a stampede of buffalo

Be electrocuted. It might not be fatal, but the buffalo sound nasty!

Would you rather:

A. Go to a strip club and see your mum on stage
B. Go to a strip club and see your sister on stage


would you rather lick my grans feet
eat a bag of sawdust?

lick grans feet…sawdust is just sooo dry…but your grans feet might be too but a lick is quicker than eatting sawdust…

would you rather have your lips ripped off


your ears


would you rather…

be blind
be deaf

deaf (that’s an easy one)

Would you rather…

give up unicycling FOREVER


give up sex for FIVE YEARS


Would you rather search for this topic cause you can swear its been done before, or, would you rather search for other topics to bring back up and redo the discussion?

other topics

Would you rather listen to no music again


only be able to unicycle for 5 minutes a day

only unicycle for 5 minutes a day…I LOVE music!!

would you rather be the fat boi in deliverence


accidently hitch a ride with Ted Bundy