Worst injuries?

Care to go into detail on that one?

Broken toe, cracked ribs.


i stubed my toe,


i did once lose a small section of midriff.

worst general injury: knee bent sidewise - Football

worst uni injury: bruised achilles tendon

i got hit real hard by my uni in the crotch when i was tryin to gap some stairs

Bruised ego
Bruised/Cut ankles
Broken Tailbone
Hurt (Sprained possibly?) wrist


Bruised tailbon
Bruised hip
Sore wrists (at least sprained w/o my wrist guards)- weekly

From biking, but the same could happen on a unicycle. 12 stitches on the outside, 3 in the muscle because it was torn. A total of 15.

HOLY! JEEZ! That looks really bad…

All I have is A LOT of bruises on my shins from my pedals… But I’ve only been on a unicycle for about a month… :roll_eyes:

Shinscars: all the time.
Fractured 4th metacarpal: MUni’ing in Long Island along the Greenbelt trail with Adam (JustOneWheel).

You must have had a head injury to be posting this thread in the “Unicycle Product Reviews” forum.

If not, I’ll give you one. Free. PM me and I’ll arrange shipment.

BC Wheel: Fell on my knee, little scrape…
Unicycle: Fell on the same knee, hit the same spot… 3 days ago… riding up a 2x4 laying on the thin side… sad. Was practicing riding on skinnies, apparently I need a Muni, so I can ride over bigger objects.

skiing= compresson fractured t6 and t7… three weeks ago; dislocated both kneecaps
soccer= dislocated shoulder, fingers
unicycling= sprained ankles

my worst ones come from snowbaording.

teeth through lip. a couple times
teeth 3/4 way through tounge
blown out knee… no isurance so im not sure what happend. couldnt walk for
2 weeks and it healed slowly but healed… prolly a bad sprain or
minor tear
30-35 foot jump straight to a sprained back.
8 teeth chiped do to face hitting rail
dislocated shoulder every other week or so.

thats all from the last 2 years. I wont stop riding the board but at 22 I realise hitting the 50-75 jumps and gapin 270 to frontside days are about over…

on a uni. brused ankles. swollen nuts. jamed fingures. mostly sharp quick pain tho

i ripped my sack muniing

i’ve done these same things, my braces sliced my lips open along with my teeth twice

Yea I had a friend do that with braces. Landed flat, had 2 slices in his snowpants. From the braces through the lip.


my new worst injury