word of the day: NINJA!!

Merriam Webster’s Word of the Day for July 12: NINJA

ninja • \NIN-juh\ Audio icon • noun
: a person trained in ancient Japanese martial arts and employed especially for espionage and assassinations
: OR
a person who can flip out and kill anyone whenever they want, they can do that, because they’re ninjas

Ninjas are thought to be able to run faster than ordinary men, scale impossible walls, and endure the severest of pain.

Sounds like I’m a ninja after all

You made a sig, sorry Jeff.

I mean Beck, all this time I thought his first name was jeff, but that was an entirely different guy. Who knew?


looks to me like his name is Dustin…

Isn’t it terrible when people post using a name, but in reality it’s not their real name?:smiley:

No, my old sig was “What about those who swing both ways, AC-DC’s?” Its from a Beck song. I thought his name was Jeff Beck, turns out its Beck Campbell, now Beck Hansen, or something. I traded it out for Dustin’s.

Man it took so long to figure out who you were Mike. You posted as James Potter, and I never got the HP connection, then your avatar was Cameron, and then people and yourself sometimes called you Mike or Michael. It was just confusing.



  1. Ninjas are mammals.
  2. Ninjas fight ALL the time.
  3. The purpose of the ninja is to flip out and kill people.

I’m a ninja… secretly.

i belong to the ninja alliance


Which one? There are hundreds. I belong to the sand nation.

Kagebunshin No justu!!!

Testing… …search function seems to work…

Ninja Pictures

Here’s a secret…MY NAMES NOT ‘ONE WHEELY’!!!

Ninjas totally own!

People at work seem to think I have an obsession with them.
I spend far too much time on ninja related sites, for example:
White Ninja
Dr Mc.Ninja
Ask a Ninja
to name just a few.

A friend of mine is having his 18th birthday and I’ve decided that its going to be Ninjas and Pirates themed, although I’m not telling him this. I’m slowly spreading the word amoungst the other guest :slight_smile:

I’m a ninja.

this tis be ninja text you can’t see it can you. ahhahahahahhahahahahahahah

More Ninja Pictures


BluntRM, i think they are nuns.

i was the most sneaky ninja for our year book superlaties
i also got
most unique
most athletic