wine glass physics

Im doing an assingment,( no i dont expect you to do it)
and after recording a wine glass’s resonant frequency and analysing the waveform i have a set of wavelengths(?) in seconds(x10^-4)
My question is that how do I Find the frequency(Hz) of these waves from only the walve length in seconds.

My guess is that i have to multiply the length of the wave in seconds by the speed of sound the get the wavelength, is this right?

No body worry
we can let this thread die
reasearch+dumb luck solved my problem

But… but…
Wine glass physics is fun!

no thread…dont die! i love physics!!!nooooooooooooooo. but seriously maybe we could help each other. i’m in AP physics this year

We can help each other out too! I’m taking IB Physics which is pretty much AP physics with some other stuff thrown in